Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So bloggity, whats up. how longs its been since I wrote here? Oh right a long time. oops. But Its summer! I've graduated, driven across the country to Michigan spent a few amazing days in Chicago, and flew back. Then continued to waste all my time by sitting on tumblr.

And also crying my eyes out while listening to wrock awaiting the Deathly Hallows part 2 midnight showing. Which is one day away. I keep singing 'Accio Deathly Hallows' by Hank Green, because I want that movie already.

I really wish I was in Orlando Florida at LeakyCon right now. REAAAALLLy bad.

I cant wait till tomorrow morning. I want to dance. AHHHrfdfdsfrytoutydtg

I'm currently listening to the soundtrack to A Very Potter Musical. I love teamstarkid so much.