Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midnight sugar rush and Pottermore

Whats this? Blogging two days in a row? What is this madness?

Basically, my little sister left a bag of candy in my room today, and I just finished editing a vlog for the youtubes, and its almost one o'clock in the morning. SO IMMA BLOG NAO.

Today I went with my parents to some swanky shindig dinner to honor people who donate blood, because both me and my dad donate blood. (My mom can't but they let us bring guests) It was out at a winery/ranch that is really pretty. It was nice. But I was kinda bored because almost everyone there was old. But I got free food so WIN.

Hey look its a pottermore survey thing I found on the interwebs I think Imma do it.

1. What's your Pottermore username? StarAccio73

2.What House do you think it sounds like? I don't know, Ravenclaw probably ;)

3. What House do you want to be in? I'm already in and sorted. RAVENCLAW PRIDE Y'ALL. I"m so Ravenclawesome

hehe see what i did there

4. Does your username relate to you at all? It does. I feel pretty lucky to have been given a username I like. Accio is my favourite spell and I love stars. I used to star gaze all the time as a kid and I own lotsa star-charts. I'm pretty sure if I was at Hogwarts my highest grade would be astronomy

5. What kind of wand would you wish to get? As above, since I'm already in I have mine. Its Elm with Unicorn hair, 10 and 3/4 inches, hard.

6. Which day did you get into Pottermore? Day 1 YO!

7. What shape is your Patronus? A giraffe. or a narwale. but probably a giraffe.

8. What does your boggart look like? I don't know man. I'd actually really like to meat a boggart (yes I know they're not real but I can imagine) because I want to know what shape it would take. I don't really have a greatest fear. I've jokingly said the sorting hat not putting me in Ravenclaw. yea, Imma go with that.

9. Would you rather be an Animagus or a Matamorphmagus? thats a tough one, but I"ll go with Matamorphmagus. Tonks yo. also then I could change my hair every day.

10. If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be? I actually really don't know. Probably a dog or a cat. Or maybe sometime of bird so I could fly. yea a bird. flying is awesome.

Alright, I'm gonna go back to tumblr and my book.

night y'all

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


hows it going? I guess I haven't written a blog post since July 13. Since then so much has happened(and also so little) but I don't like writing about any of that. Who knows maybe I'll change my mind. but probably not. I've thought about stories that I would turn into post a lot, but I have never got around to them or just got to tired or apathetic when it came to actually writing. So I've decided to just skip the last two and a half months and just jump to NOW.

WARNING this blog is probably gonna be all over the place because its about 1 in the morning and I am very hyper. Have I mentioned my sleep schedule is completely whacked/nonexistent? Because it is.

So basically I'm finally getting around to blogging again because 1. I just decided I wanted to film a video, and then realized it was after midnight, and therefore not a good time to be talking to a camera. and 2. because I was told off earlier in the week for not blogging recently, which reminded me that some people actually do read this.

So I'm moving to college in a week. That's exciting. I've been busy packing and my room is all in disarray and I've taken my posters and pictures off the walls so there very bare and weird. I'm really excited and nervous but mostly excited. SEVEN DAYS YO.

STORY TIME! So today I went with my folks to Costco to buy food to take with me for my dorm so I don't always have to eat caf food. After we'd bought lots of ramen and some Nutella and some goldfish ect. we stopped by the food court to get some dinner. As we where sitting there eating at a table by the food court line two guys in UC Berkeley t shirts who had also been buying ramen got in line and bought food. After they left my mother informed me that they'd been checking me out. I hadn't noticed, as I only had eyes for my pizza...

It was delicious pizza.

Gosh I love pizza

and people wonder why I'm single.

I like to think of my self in a relation ship with Tumblr... and pizza.



Last Friday I started reading Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, which I had heard lots of goof thing about but never actually read. OHMYGOODNESS THAT BOOK IS AMAZING. I finished it by Sunday and then yesterday I bought the Behemoth the second book in the trilogy, and it was amazing as well. I've already finished it... and I started it yesterday. Its got about 500 pages. that might be a new record. but I'm not sure. anyways back to the story. I finished it a little while ago and immediately went GIVEMEBOOKTHREERIGHTNOW I NEED IT! But I was pretty sure it wasn't out yet. So I went to the internet to find its release date. GUESS WHEN IT COMES OUT GUESS WHEN IT COMES OUT! Ok I'll tell you then. It comes out the 20th of September. That's next Tuesday. SEVEN DAYS BABY! Actually less than seven now. Its also the day before I leave for college-land. I WILL BE GETTING THAT BOOK ON RELEASE DAY.

I think I've just run out of things that I wanted to talk about. But I want to keep writing. Because now its after 1 in the morning. and I'm happy. I normally get all moody and angsty at night which is why I don't blog. But I'm in a good mood.

ooh I think I've become way to attached to tumblr. Because whenever I go to post something on facebook I always get really annoyed that I cant use gifs to express my feelings.HOW CAN I PROPERLY EXPRESS HOW I FEEL WITHOUT GIFS?!!

So I recently heard that CBS is planning on haveing a new TV show that is a modernization of Sherlock Holmes, because of the popularity of the RDJ movie(s).

WHAT. NO. WHY. WHY CBS? DO YOU NOT WATCH BBC? Oh wait that right of course you do, because that's how American tv networks get ideas for shows. They just remake brilliant British ones.
CBS I am warning you. DO not do this. It will flop. please. do not be stupid. Do not ruin the Sherlock Holmes fandom.

Also, you do realize that the the British show Sherlock is written my STEVEN MOFFET AND MARK GAITISS? no matter who you get as writers, they will not even compare.

And no matter who you get as actors, NO MATTER WHO YOU GET. No one, I repeat NO ONE be anywhere as good as Benedict Cumberbatch. He is Sherlock Holmes. YOU CANNOT BEAT HIM. And hes got Martin Freeman as John Watson. MARTIN FREEMAN. you know, Bilbo Baggins? Arthur Dent? John Watson? The two of them are phenomenal together.

okok rant over. *gets bowl of popcorn and goes to watch as the Sherlock fandom begins to tare apart CBS. You don't messes with the Sherlock fandom and Ben-addict Cumberbitches. It will not end pretty. Just be honest.

Man. Now I really want to go rewatch season one of Sherlock. that show is SO GREAT man. SO GREAT.

ooooh talking about Marin Freeman reminded me about the Hobbit. that movie is going to be amazing. I can't wait for it to come out. The little vlog-production videos that Peter Jackson have been doing are amazing and hilarious and awesome and I WANT THIS MOVIE HERE SO BAD. O.O

uh wow. that post was a lot longer than I expected it to be. I guess I should blog more huh?

College in a week kdsjhflkjdsfhlgkjds