Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rain and Roses

It rained today, now, don't get me wrong, I love rain, but its May, and i live in central California, where its supposed to be HOT by now. When I finished my last class I sat in my car for a half an hour waiting for my sister. I sat there in my pocket of warmth and dryness, surrounded by vast wetness, separating me from those I knew. It was kind of nice.

I made 30 bucks today. By baby sitting a sleeping baby. So I was able to study for my finals, which start tomorrow. I really should be studying for them now, but instead I talk to you, oh Internet, and your so-easily-able-to-distract-me-ness.

I was given a rose by one of my favourite people today. My religion teacher/boss/person I was babysitting for/friend. She is awesome. She gave me this very pretty flower for being such an awesome grader. She tells me this practically everyday. Its very good for the building of egos.

Its sitting on my desk in a bottle of water, and even though it is a very pretty rose, it has no smell, and it reminds me that although some times things are beautiful, they often arn't as good on the inside.

just some thoughts for today.

last song played: Myhope by Molly Lewis

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

you kids with your drugs and your beatles

Hello there. I'm not being a very good blogger. I haven't posted in a while. At least I only have 9 days left of school, then ill have lots of time! I hope.

Ive been watching lots of firefly lately. Very fun. The movie was a little disappointing after the series though.

My toilet keeps running. Its very annoying and distracting when I'm trying to think. Gerr.

'You kids with your drugs and your Beatles' someone actually said that to a group of my friends. no lie. It was hillarious.

Quote- "We're not thieves, well, we are thieves, but we're not gonna take your money" -Malcolm Reynolds -Firefly

Last song on itunes: Engines make me hot- by Lauren fairweather

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Attractive Scottish Actors who time-travel

I walked down stairs and entered my kitchen. Momentarily forgetting the reason I'd walked down here, I listened to the TV in the living room, discovering my mother and sister watching Desperate Housewives. That's when I heard it. I knew that voice, but not from that show. I turned and dashed into the room, and sure enough. There sat CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS!! not really, it was JOHN BARROWMAN. On Desperate Housewives. I stood there and stared at his hotness attempting to find out what was going on, because honestly, on that show, I never know. But I might have to start watching it now. or at least the scenes with him in it. I had read online that he might be joining the cast for a while. Guess its true.

Speaking of the whoniverse and thing connected to that, Doctor Who was on yesterday, and that ending scene? HILARIOUS! So naturally after watching it it did this.

Something else I realized today, Scottish actors are extremely attractive. just saying.

Quote of the day:"All those who lead monotonous lives hope that they may experience at second hand the delights and dangers of adventure" - Agatha Christie

Last song played on itunes: Losing my Religion by Anthony Rapp