Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I enter only need one thing, as I’m sure many do, but I am swept up with the crowd. The people, they are everywhere, coming from all directions. This place is a mad house. I yearn for the reason why I came. The blinding lights entice us drawing us in. The shiny and the soft. We do not really need them. Many live without them, but the lights and signs, they tell us, we need them to survive. Just a few short moments ago, or was it longer? When I first walked this hall, my wrists and neck were bare, my shoes all tattered and torn. I never where much make up, I’ve never really cared. I see them all around me, the people who rush about. They believe the signs and the flickering lights, and the lies they strive to tell. You need this hat, this bag, this song. We need them to really LIVE. The wallet in my bag grows light as my hands begin to fill. I know I will regret it later, but still I battle on. If only I could find an exit, a way for me to escape. But the door all lead only farther in. There is but one way out.


So um. yea. I went to the mall today. The only thing I bought were new sneakers though. I'm not one for shopping. Never have been. But I can up with the idea for a short about the mall. so there it is. Hope you like it. I might start posting more thought out written stuff on here, besides just the normal whatever-it-is-I-do-Here.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Computers sometimes bug me

I love my computer. I am very easily lost without it. When I'm far away, or it is not working I go through withdrawals and get cranky. Unfortunately, my computer oftend decided it wants to stress me out and not work.
Today I was very excited to have filmed a video that I put a lot of work into, and was excited to edit and share. But my computer decided to get a really bad virus and go bfhskjdghuighd instead. For about 2 hours now, my father has been sitting at my computer working on it. I've been laying here sitting upon my oddly tall bed, unable to read my wonderful books on the shelf next to me, worried with the anxiety that my computer might blow up. I gave up trying to do anything else so I've pulled out my phone to talk to you. My dad finally seems to be making head way, at least my computer has stopped making weird noises and he's got the spywere antivirus program back up and running it looks like. Fingers crossed it works this time.

In some happier news, Doctor Who is on in 2 and a half days! Woooooo! Also Christmas. Christmas is exciting to.
This day is fastly drawing to an end, and I am relishing the joy that I have converted and got to new people hooked on Doctor Who in the past two day. That makes me feel pretty awesome.

I'll talk to y'all later.