Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer and Friends

So its summer now. has been for a few weeks. and some people may think I'm crazy for this but, I don't like summer. NOW WAIT. Before you get all "your crazy" on me. Let me tell you why. During the school year I am forced to do things. Which I hate yes, and I can't wait for summer to get here so I can do what I want. Here is the problem. There are many things I want to do, but since school got out, I've done practically nothing but sit in my room on the internet. Seriously, This is the first summer in the last 4 years that I haven't had a job and things to be at early every day. Also, being as I'm graduated now, I don't have sports conditioning to force me out of bed to go run. So I've been sitting unmotivated in my room, wasting away. Today, when I actually forced myself out of bed at 12:30 to go for a run, I only lasted like 4-5 minutes of running and I was back home in 20. Man, a year ago I would have run or over 20 minuets straight. And I don't like not doing anything productive, but I can't seam to stop. I haven't made a video in forever, and I can't get my self to even turn on my camera. and Writing? Soo not happening. I just can't think of anything to write down. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME? I haven't even read much lately. Whats up with that.

So as you can tell, I've been feeling very, bleh. In a few months I'm leaving for college, and So i'm stuck in a I-should-start-packing-or-cleaning-but-I-don't-want-to-start-just-yet-so-I'll-do-it-tomorrow kinda mood. I hate it I wish it was September already. I'm sick of all the people who I know who live near me. I'm ready for the next part of my life, but I'm stuck here, I know I should be using this time to help myself, but I just can't. I want to meet some knew people who actually to do things I like to do. I have a few people who I actually like, but I'm kinda just sick of everyone else right now. uggh.

And then like 3 hours ago I ended up being on facebook talking to three amazing friends of mine. 2 hours later we had almost 400 comments on a link I posted monday. So it should be said, I love my friends, I wish they where nearby so I could be all

man, why do people live so faaaaarrr.

Ok, I'm done for today. I'm gonna go force myself to sleep so I can wake up early, and GET THINGS DONE TOMORROW.

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