Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer Again.

So it seams as per usual I let time get away from myself. I tell myself I will blog, have good thoughts and ideas for a blog, but they never make it to a post. Sometimes I'll even open a draft, and then close it later, still wordless.
I've considered 'walking' away and leaving this blog as a monument to my youth and starting a new one. Because it feels weird having the blog posts and ramblings of teenager me along side whatever I will be posting in the future, but perhaps that is just me being silly.
It's nearing the end of summer now, though it feels like summer just begun, with how little down time I have had, but I think that is just a part of adulthood. School with be starting up again soon, but we'll talk about that later in this post.
I have recently finished my sophomore year of college, and I can say that with out a doubt it has been one of the best years of my life. When I think back on who I was a year ago, I am grateful for all of the trials and thing I have had to go through, and for the friends I have, that have gotten me to where I am today. It was weird leaving school this year, because I've begun to feel like that place is my home, and I know I won't be returning this school year.
In 22 days from today I will be boarding a plane and heading off to the south of France for the school year. It is an terrifying and exciting. Those who know me know that I had planed for most of my young life and high-school to spend all of my college years abroad, but it turned out that I will only get one. I have always been a traveler at heart, staying in one place for to long just seams incomprehensible. Though now I am filled with equal excitement for my coming adventures and memories, and sadness at leaving behind friends. I know they will be there when I return and that we will be friends for a long time, but it's weird knowing they wont be there with me.
In the end I have decided to keep this blog, though I do not know how often I will be posting here, but even if it is only every several months when I find some free time, It is a nice place for me to write about my life and for me to look back on and remember who I was, so in the future I always have a way of hearing from my younger self.
The other way I have of doing that is of course my videos, but they have also been lacking. It's been a long time since I made regular videos, and I hope I can change that. I know that the limitations and things that are holding me back are all in my head, but that doesn't make them any less harder to overcome. I hope that I can change that soon and get back to posting regular videos.
Despite how often I post on this blog, I have started another, Rivers of Tarmac, Asphalt, and steel,  which will be thoughts transposed from the journal I carry with me when I travel.
If that interests you, go follow.
And if you feel there is not enough of me in your life because of the rarity of posts here, I have a tumblr you can follow.
It's getting late so I'm gonna wrap up this post by reminding whoever is reading this to go call someone you haven't talked to in a long time. Or facebook chat someone you don't talk to often. Friends are important.

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