Wednesday, February 6, 2013

those days: a trip to the park.

Sometimes it's not about the days where everything goes perfect, or even the days when everything goes wrong. Sometimes its just about the days where everything just is.
'Normal' days that just go by. They happen. Uneventful days that pass by unnoticed and unappreciated. Here is to those days.

I spent sometime sitting in a park on a bench today. watching. listening. seeing.

A family plays on the playground. A two year only boy with sandy blond hair running and giggling as his parents chase him round and round. I wander what their life is like. they have thoughts that only they can hear. What are they thinking? The three of them look so happy together. Who are they? Who will they be? In ten, fifteen, twenty years, will they still be able to laugh and smile together in the park? What choices will they make in their life? How many people do they know? Why are they all in black except the grey shirt under the boys black coat? How far did they have to come t be at this park today? What are they doing later? How can I impact their lives in a positive way?

A man in a bright yellow coat rides up on a red bicycle with red side bags. He rides up and opens the door to the community garden, and I watch as he begins to car for the plants. Picking up a water can and a hose giving the plants the water they need for life.I wander where he has come from. What else he is doing today. How does he spend his days? I want to watch him all day. Take in all he is doing as his coat stand out so vividly against the brown foliage of the winter park. But I am distracted by something else in the park.

There are people all over. Each doing their own thing. Some in groups, like the family, or the group of teenagers lounging on a pick-nick table on the other side of the park, Some are alone, like the man, or the people running through with dogs or on their own.

I am captivated bu all of them. I am interested in all of them. I want to know their lives. Their stories. What they do everyday. What is their best day? What is their worst day? What do they do on days like today, Where everything is normal?

There are so many people in this world, and so often we only concentrate on ourselves. Everyone has a story to tell.
We should listen.

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