Monday, June 7, 2010

I wont sit down, I wont shut up, But most of all I will not grow up!

You know when you have your ipod on shuffle and you get like 5 good songs in a row. Yea, that's awesome. And its kinda how I feel today.

Honestly today was so good I just had to blog about it. Which I've been meaning to do anyway. It actually started yesterday I guess. Wish you might think odd seeing as i had to wake up at 6 a week into my summer vacation to drive an hour to take my SAT, which I had only realised I was taking about three days before. Yeea. Not so great start, but it actually did make me feel better getting it done, not to mention, my dad had driven me there because he didn't want me to drive all that way by myself, and being as I was there four 4 and a half hours, he went to an electronic store, and bought me a new keyboard and mouse for my computer. My one was getting frustrating, it was old and the keys always stuck and made lots of noise. So Ive been itching to try out the new one.

As it was well after lunch time, we decided to stop for lunch before heading home. After minuets of driving trying to find something, I say a Chipotle. I'd never actually been to one. My thoughts went like this- Oooh Chipotle, hmm Ive never been there before, But HayleyGHoover goes there all the time and talks about how good it is. maybe we should try it. Truthfully, they should pay here for the advertising she gets them.

Later in the day, I herd a few bars of a song on YouTube and I liked it. So I looked the artist up. BEST. THING. IVE. DONE. Benn listening to him all day.

This morning, oddly enough, I woke up at 7, an hour before my alarm. As I was fully awake, which surprised me, I got out of bed, turned on the aformetiond music and cleaned my room for about two hours. It really needed it. Then I read for about an hour. Then *gasp* I pulled out my guitar, inspired by my free time, to play for the first time in months. I learned a new song. And even wrote two more of my own. Which always makes me feel good.

I play basketball. I'll just come right out and say it. err, write it. I'm now a senior, and this will be my fourth season of basketball. The conditioning practices for next season began today. I haven't played sense last season ended, but it still went well. I came home, spent some time with my family, washed my car, and watched last comic standing. Being as I dont have a job this summer, I have lots of time. I havent had this much time sense before freshman year. If the rest of the summer goes like this. Its gonna be one awesome summer.

Quote of the day: "I bought this in a muggle shope, muggles wear them' 'Muggle women wear the Artie, not the men they wear these!' 'Im not putting them on I like a healthy breeze!" -Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire

Last song played on itunes- 'Photosynthesis' by Frank Turner

1 comment:

  1. Who were you listening to that was so good? I assume Frank Turner... But I'm not sure.
