Monday, November 26, 2012

back at school

It was great to have a week off of school to go home and relax, but even better to be back at school.
What? your crazy Grace! better to be back at school?!
My roommate and I rearranged our room, it lovely and new and more space-efficient.
My monday has been lovely and relaxing as perusal this quarter as it is my day with the most free time, (but uuughgh on tuesdays and wednesdays). I know I should have spent the afternoon doing the homework I have to turn in tomorrow or studying, but the the view out my window was so beautiful with all the fall-colored leaves I couldn't help but spend all afternoon just staring out at it.
After spending the last week at home reading or sprawled awkwardly on my bed staring at my computer screen with no set schedule, it really is great to be back to the routine of classes, and being in charge of myself again.
I still don't know what the future holds but with each passing day it comes crushingly nearer, and I'm learning to accept that. My future is mine to decide and my fate is mine to control, if only I would get off of my bed and write that assignment I've been pushing off.
and with that, I'm off to try and smash my head into my keyboard until words come out.

Song of the day- 'A Harbor a Sailor' By The Sparrows.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Home again

So I am back home for the week for Thanksgiving break now, and I've had a pretty good day so I'm gonna blog about it.  YEAAAA
Since today was a Friday, like all Fridays this quarter I didn't have any class, just work. So when I woke up I packed for break. And by packed I mean took my hamper of dirty clothes and put it in my car with my toothbrush, guitar, and basketball.
I work as a lab ta at my school and the friday morning shift is usually pretty slow, today was no real exception until the end of my sift until a friend of mine came in to hang out and talk for a little while, and then my friend Zach who has the shift after me came in and we were all talking and listening to music, so when my shift got over I stayed a little longer.
And then Zach's brother came and was gonna rent out the fog machines.
Oh yea, I work in the film department and we have fog machines as equipment we can rent out.
So we started fogging up the lab and set up some lights to play around with lighting systems in fog. Twas great fun. We took some pictures and some videos, listened to lots of great music. I ended up staying a lot later then expected, but it was worth it.
Since my car had already been packed it was time to hit the road. Fall has finally hit and the grey skies and fog I love so much kept me company as I headed off the hill my school is on and made my way home. I hit some traffic so my drive took me longer than usual but I didn't mind. The 2 + hour drive between my school and my house is actually really pretty no matter what the weather I love driving it.
I love the rain, and it was so beautiful as I was driving down the roads through the hills and vineyards and fields. The sun set pretty early especially with all the clouds making it darker, but I've always enjoyed driving at night. Something about it just makes me really happy. 'Specially when I have some nice tunes playing.
I arrived home safe, happy, and relaxed, ready to start my week break.
and then of course getting love-attacked from my dogs the moment I stepped in the door is a great way to end my trip home.
It's gonna be a good one I can tell.

It's also been a week since I decided to blacklist tumblr for a while. feels good man. feels good.
song of the day: 'Home' by Mumford and Sons

Monday, November 12, 2012

Time passes

It can be hard to notice the passing of time until its past.
It has been so long since I blogged that blogger has completely changed and it took me a few minutes to figure out how to start a new post.
Go Grace!
I am disappointed with where my life has wound up. Now, I do not regret the choice I made to come to this school. I believe it was the right choice to spend last year here. I'm just not so sure about this one. I'm ready to move on. I've been looking up schools to transfer to and have found myself in a weird situation. I can't make up my mind. I love my major, and I want to continue with it, but I also like many other things and want to do them. How do I decide which I want to do? I am always worried that I will make the wrong choice and waste more time and money.
I want to travel. I want to learn. I want to do good in the world.
I'm so tired of being stuck in the safety net that I am not even sure how I got into.
I am done.
I am done living my life in passing. I've been so bored the past few years I forgot how to be not bored. stuck in this rut.
On friday I closed my tumblr tab and haven't been back on.
 I quit. cold turkey. today is day 3. It's been hard. but I have so much more time in my schedule. My mind is free-er. I also have signed out of facebook and only go on 2 times a day.
 I don't know how long I will keep this up but the original plan is 2 weeks, so we'll see how I feel after that. I know this will be difficult because I can already feel the withdraws, but I know it will also be good. I am much happier with out all these things that aren't important taking up my time.

 I also plan to blog more, and get back to vlogging, (fingers crossed) in a hopes that it will help push me to live the kind of life I would want to be telling people on the internet about.

Here is to the future.

artist/band of the week: Chris Rubeo