Monday, November 26, 2012

back at school

It was great to have a week off of school to go home and relax, but even better to be back at school.
What? your crazy Grace! better to be back at school?!
My roommate and I rearranged our room, it lovely and new and more space-efficient.
My monday has been lovely and relaxing as perusal this quarter as it is my day with the most free time, (but uuughgh on tuesdays and wednesdays). I know I should have spent the afternoon doing the homework I have to turn in tomorrow or studying, but the the view out my window was so beautiful with all the fall-colored leaves I couldn't help but spend all afternoon just staring out at it.
After spending the last week at home reading or sprawled awkwardly on my bed staring at my computer screen with no set schedule, it really is great to be back to the routine of classes, and being in charge of myself again.
I still don't know what the future holds but with each passing day it comes crushingly nearer, and I'm learning to accept that. My future is mine to decide and my fate is mine to control, if only I would get off of my bed and write that assignment I've been pushing off.
and with that, I'm off to try and smash my head into my keyboard until words come out.

Song of the day- 'A Harbor a Sailor' By The Sparrows.

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