Friday, January 4, 2013

Growing up? and A New Year

Hello there readers of my blog/people who still visit this area of the internet/people reading through all of my old blog post in the future when I'm SUPER FAMOUS/me in the future. It's January again, so don't forget to write 2012 before crossing it out to write 2013 on all your homework assignments.

I'm not the kind of person who participates in making New Years resolutions, and I am definitely not the kind of person who tells other people about New Years resolutions I do or don't make. I think it's silly, and using the date changing as a reason to spend the next two weeks making all of your friends hate you with all your "look at me eating salad and going to the gym everyday and/or being a 'better' person" facebook posts is just not the kind of thing that appeals to me. Maybe it's because a) I don't like posting facebook statuses anyway, or maybe its because b)

I Make 'Resolutions' All The Damn Time.

I have always been a consciously self-aware person, and when I find or see something about my self that I can change for the better, I set out and work for it. To me, everyday is a new day, and every Sunday starts a new week. Why should I wait until January 1st to change something about myself? Hell, when I decide to start something new, I start that day, because I know that if I put it off, it won't happen. That's just the way I am. I am a lazy procrastinator (it's one of the things I'm working on).

I bring this up a) because as previously mentioned it is the beginning of January so my facebook feed and tumblr dash are filled with people making resolutions that could not care less about, and b) because I turn 20 years old next Friday. New Years and New Years resolutions have to me always been over shadowed by a new age and my 'now-that-I'm-older-I-will-' type resolutions.

20 is a big number, a while new decade, a new chapter in the book of my life, and the end of being a teenager. I'm a little sad to see my teen years go because a part of me is a little disappointed that I never lead in a youth revolt, I never did much of the stereotypical teenagery-things that teens do in the movies and on tv. Probably because I was too busy reading books, wasting time on the internet, and hanging out with adults. Such is my life.

It is weird thinking about being twenty, because when I was younger, my favorite number was always 19, because I thought it was the perfect age. That was before I knew you had to be 21 to drink or even get into a concert where alcohol was served. But to my young kid mind that didn't matter because Nineteen was older than Eighteen and younger than twenty so you where an adult and were old enough to get married but you still had your whole adult life ahead of you. From my prospective now, it seams weird to think about, but my mother married my father when she was nineteen, and had my oldest sister when she was twenty. That seems almost foreign to me. Being married? having a KID? I can't even take care of a fish or handle being in a relationship! AND I am right now, writing this post, wearing onesie footy pajamas. Because I AM AN ADULT I constantly reassure myself. I have a job that I like, I pay bills, and I get to learn about things I enjoy learning about, and I get to spend time with some super cool people I am lucky to call my friends.
The last year of my life has been a learning year. I made a lot of mistakes, hurt some people I care about, and finally realized what I had said but not believed- my life is in my control. So I started taking control. I am excited to see what 20 has in store for me.

For the past week I have been attempting to read almost every article on because I love that site and my current goal is to one day be a writer for them. If you don't read cracked, you should, and here is a great article that EVERYONE EVER should read.

Seriously go read that article.

In honor of the new year, today's song-at-the-end-of-the-blogpost is This Year By Meghan Tonjes, A lovely song filled with happiness and go listen to it 'kay? 

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