Saturday, January 12, 2013

Today was defiantly one for the history book. or at least the blog

Today I turned twenty.
Or rather, yesterday, since it's now 1:30 in the morning.
I'll be honest, I was a little wary,seeing as how my last few birthdays have been less than good. But today was pretty fantastic.
This quarter I don't have any classes on Fridays which is pretty sweet.I woke up did some homework, almost went running but didn't. Instead finished that homework assignment and then showered and curled my hair all pretty like. I went to a few meetings I had and then headed off the hill down to Napa where I had dinner with my family. My parents and grandma drove up and my older sister lives there so we all meet at a restaurant she suggested. It was yummy and great to talk and see them. I got lots of great messages from good friends who I miss very much. Including one who sent me this awesome picture of a fox.
aww yea look at that fox
Foxes are great, but not as great as getting to talk to people I care about a lot and miss, even if it's just for a little while. The drive back up to school was piece full and nice, the stars were beautiful and I had some great music, and I really live driving that road after dark so *thumbs up*.
I got back to school, and a package that I had ordered earlier in the week got here, so the book I ordered as a present to myself is hear and I am so excited I can't wait to read it.
This evening after vespers I got to spend some time with my friends. Me and seven other people all pilled in the back of my friends car and we drove up to my schools airport/ observatory, and we brought blankets and laid in the back of his truck looking at the stars laughing and telling stories. The night was so clear and beautiful, and the memories and friendship with last a good long while.  I am happy. My friends and my family are amazing. Life is good. There is a picture of an adorable fox on my blog. 
It's nearing 2 in the morning and my toes are still frozen but I wanted to write a little about it, so hopefully one day I can look back and remember this feeling I have. This warm fuzzy in my chest that makes me smile to no end. After all the stress and depression the last few years, it's nice. My life feels like its changing for the better.
There is a new wind a-blowing. I'm gonna take the ride. Here is to a new decade, a new year, and a happier me!

(also, thinking about trying to blog everyday-or almost every day while 20. We'll see how this goes.)

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