Friday, April 30, 2010

College, old people, and hot fast food guys

Looking at colleges and trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for it is very stressful. Ive spent the day sense i got home looking at different collages that I will have to be applying to come fall. Yikes! But with all that stressfulness, I think, no, I KNOW, where I WANT to go.

So I had to drop off my younger sister at a friends today, and while I was driving, I noticed something. A lot of old people drive at 7:00 in the afternoon, almost every car I saw had an old person in it. and I'm talking full on white hair cut short and curled old people.

When driving home, I stopped for dinner and bought some dinner for me and my mum, because my dads at work, and A&W had advertised this new Orange soda floats for a limited time, and i had a coupon. It was delicious, and a bad and stressful day is always made better by a very attractive guy taking your order and making your food. ;)

quote of the day: "I have a bad feeling about this" -from every star wars movie.
last song played on itunes: Mr Blue Sky by ELO

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is a completely unrelated Title

It truly is amazing how fast time passes, and how much stuff you can find to do when your supposed to be doing something. Like homework. Its Sunday night, and my homework still lies stacked in the same spot were I layed it down Thursday afternoon. Yea that's right, Thursday. Because when you go to a pathetically small school like I do. Instead of proms, we have banquets. And When your SA plan your spring one on a Friday, durning school, they give you it off! Awesome right? And besides who really does there homework the day they assign it?
Speaking of homework, Today, I ran around my tiny obscure town, with three of my best friends, wearing a Power Rangers wristband, that we pretended was a vortex manipulator, lightsabers, and a sonic screwdriver, filming scenes for a history project. Which I now get the joy of editing, while they go to Disneyland for the band tour. Because guess who's not in band? that's right! me.
On a completely unrelated note, Doctor who was on yesterday. Oh MY GOODNESS. it was amazing. As always. The weeping angels are back, and who doesn't love them? no seriously, who doesn't? because their crazy, and i have only three words for them. Best. Monsters. Ever. Just sayin.
Quote of the day: "oo doctor you sonicd her." -Amy Pond. (dont know why but that scene just keeps playing in my head.
last song played on itunes: Saved by ALL CAPS

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ipad vs books

sister: i would totally read a book if it was on the ipad! its so cool!

REALLY?! i was struck quite speechless when i heard these words uttered from my own sisters mouth. In the ways in which I am a nerd, and a lover of words, especially written on a page a bound between covers, my sister is not. We are very unalike. Being two years older i have tried to influence her to the wonder of words and life as a nerd. but to no avail.

Having our monday off school for some strange reason, not that I'm complaining, I would much rather NOT be at school, my family had decided to go to San Fransisco for the day. After the twoish hour drive, we had exited the freeway, and were driving down Market street, toward the Pier, she said it. We had come to a stop, and right in frount of us on the side of a building there was a humungs advertisment for the ipad. I tried to expain to her that even if it was on an ipad, it was still a book. I dont think she quite understood. She probably thought she wouldnt actually have to read it. She really does amaze my sometimes. Ahh, the ignorance.

For me, the feel of the pages between my fingers, the turning of the page, that adds to the book, makes it more real, more exciting. I have this app on my phone, the one that lets you read books, but its just not the same. The ipad could never really replace books. To those people that think so, do you even read? honestly?

quote of the day: "'what do you read my Lord?' 'words, Words, WORDS'" -Hamlet, act 2, scean 2

Last song played on itunes: Neverending Summer, by Dayplayer.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Escaping Fish

I was going to try and keep this blog thing all organized and neat and only post when i had something thought out and well written. Well guess what? that's not gonna happen.

So today I have a weird amount of free time. I never have free time. Ever. I always have something to do, and I'm sure there is something thing i should be doing but I'm not. I can't really think of it, so i take that as an I don't have to do it. When i got home today, i watched Doctor Who, which of course was amazing. Then i was on YouTube for a while, I'm always on YouTube. But it was just not feeling right. That's weird. I felt like just listening to music and doing something crafty, I haven't had much time for that lately. So i dug around my closet for my erector set. If you don't know, that's one of those kits you can build stuff with and then take it apart, then build something else. But as I was getting it, I stopped, noticing my super-awesome 300 page Harry Potter colouring book. That's what I'll do, i thought, replacing my erector set.

I laid on my bed, my ipod in my ears, armed with crayons, I turned to an uncolored page. Hit play, and everything was good. For a while. But my brain, it just nagged, there must be something else i should be doing. I thought about this blog, or the book I'm writing, or the other book I'm writing, or the fact that I'd told myself I needed to write more poetry. I felt like writing, i just couldn't think of anything to write about. Its as if my brain had just shut off. but just sitting there colouring, it just wasn't relaxing like it normally was. I sifted threw the songs on my ipod. Over a thousand songs, I just cant think of one i want to listen to. OK, that is odd. I love music, allot, I never don't want to listen to it. So I stopped, again, this time trading my stix of colored wax, music, and completely awesome Harry Potter coloring book, for my guitar.

I play a few songs. I need o learn some new ones, But i cant think of one i want to learn right now. Well i can, but there is no chords for it, and i cant play by ear. Darn. I try to write a new song, but again, no words seem to come from my head. No good ones anyway. I know i should be vlogging, over on YouTube, its April, but I feel so apathetic. So lazy. And that's how I got here. I sat here staring at my screen. I don't know how much time has pasted, its all a little crazy. And suddenly, this happened. Its not thought out, its not even done well, but i cant seem to do anything else.

What is it with our generation and our desire to share everything with the entire world? It amazes me sometimes. Oh Internet, how wonderful you are.

Quote of the day: 'May i check your water? we have an escaped fish' -The Doctor

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello world,

i say this because, well, this is for the world.

ive been thinking of starting a blogg for months, but i was a little nervus, and was thinking i needed to have some superspecial awesome first blogg. i am home sick from school, and ive decided that i dont, ill just start now. it doesnt realy matter because noones gonna read this anyway. so there you are. my first blogg. not much, but it eliminates my only remaining excuse for not writting.