Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is a completely unrelated Title

It truly is amazing how fast time passes, and how much stuff you can find to do when your supposed to be doing something. Like homework. Its Sunday night, and my homework still lies stacked in the same spot were I layed it down Thursday afternoon. Yea that's right, Thursday. Because when you go to a pathetically small school like I do. Instead of proms, we have banquets. And When your SA plan your spring one on a Friday, durning school, they give you it off! Awesome right? And besides who really does there homework the day they assign it?
Speaking of homework, Today, I ran around my tiny obscure town, with three of my best friends, wearing a Power Rangers wristband, that we pretended was a vortex manipulator, lightsabers, and a sonic screwdriver, filming scenes for a history project. Which I now get the joy of editing, while they go to Disneyland for the band tour. Because guess who's not in band? that's right! me.
On a completely unrelated note, Doctor who was on yesterday. Oh MY GOODNESS. it was amazing. As always. The weeping angels are back, and who doesn't love them? no seriously, who doesn't? because their crazy, and i have only three words for them. Best. Monsters. Ever. Just sayin.
Quote of the day: "oo doctor you sonicd her." -Amy Pond. (dont know why but that scene just keeps playing in my head.
last song played on itunes: Saved by ALL CAPS

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