Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ipad vs books

sister: i would totally read a book if it was on the ipad! its so cool!

REALLY?! i was struck quite speechless when i heard these words uttered from my own sisters mouth. In the ways in which I am a nerd, and a lover of words, especially written on a page a bound between covers, my sister is not. We are very unalike. Being two years older i have tried to influence her to the wonder of words and life as a nerd. but to no avail.

Having our monday off school for some strange reason, not that I'm complaining, I would much rather NOT be at school, my family had decided to go to San Fransisco for the day. After the twoish hour drive, we had exited the freeway, and were driving down Market street, toward the Pier, she said it. We had come to a stop, and right in frount of us on the side of a building there was a humungs advertisment for the ipad. I tried to expain to her that even if it was on an ipad, it was still a book. I dont think she quite understood. She probably thought she wouldnt actually have to read it. She really does amaze my sometimes. Ahh, the ignorance.

For me, the feel of the pages between my fingers, the turning of the page, that adds to the book, makes it more real, more exciting. I have this app on my phone, the one that lets you read books, but its just not the same. The ipad could never really replace books. To those people that think so, do you even read? honestly?

quote of the day: "'what do you read my Lord?' 'words, Words, WORDS'" -Hamlet, act 2, scean 2

Last song played on itunes: Neverending Summer, by Dayplayer.

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