Thursday, March 10, 2011

More thoughts.

So I have a question, and blogging about it gives me an excuse to procrastinate on my English essay. When it comes to school, which is better, the grades or actually learning? I'll be honest, my grades of late are not where I would like them to be. But heres the thing, Up until my junior year, I always got straight A's, and mostly without trying, but even though I got great grades, I didn't really learn much. Then when I hit about halfway though junior year, they slowly started to sink, and I believe its mainly because I caught a bad case of senioritis my junior year of high school. So not convenient. And I didn't really even care. And this year, I've started to notice something, even though most of my grades have dropped to B's, I'm actually learning things. Like now that the information is somewhat useful, and I'm actually learning it, I can't seam to show that I'm learning it. Like for example, I took a precal test earlier this week, and when we got it back, I got a 75% which I'm sure is one of the lowest grades I've ever gotten, especially in math. I knew how to do them, but I made tiny little stupid easy math errors, so even though I did the hard Pre-cal stuff right, I still got them wrong, and that seams to be happening a lot this year in Math. It doesn't make since, I mean, Math is MY subject, I've always been extreamly good at it. I was correcting my math teachers in elementary school, and a few times explaining the problem they couldn't to the class. Seriously. People were always asking me is I was going to be an engineer, or telling me I should go into math. But to be honest, I was good at it, but it bored me. I slept though both freshman and sophomore years math classes, and still came out with high A's. So why am I suddenly making these stupid mistakes. Why can't I get myself to actually study and do homework now that it seams like I need to. Would it be better for me to revert back to the person I used to be? Where I didn't learn anything, but was amazing at getting good test scores and grades with out trying? Or should I continue to think for myself, and in the process actually learn? Even if it means I can't pull of the grades I need?

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