Friday, March 4, 2011

Tiger Blood

Oh look at this two post in one week? Am I still sick or something? No, just wanted to come have a chat. Although to be honest, now that I am here I for got what I was going to say...

ANYWAYS, I leave to the east in 8 days. EXCITEMENT.

Greg Holden is still clogging* up my sound waves, Its now March**, I can't seam to focus on anything, and OOOH PRETTY LIGHTS! Um sorry....

Sooo, How about Charlie Sheen eh? Is that guys crazy as batshit or what? Though what amazed me most*** is that he gets the same amount, if not more news coverage then whats going on in Libya and all the amounts of crazy that Gaddafi is. I mean, yeah their both completely-bonkers crazy guys, but Gaddafi is in charge of a COUNTRY! and people are dieing. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seams like they should get more attention than an insane druggy**** with Tiger blood.*****

I'm really thankful I have the internet to keep me up to date and inform me.

Anywho, I think I'm gonna squeeze an episode of Buffy before bed, Night y'all.
Until next time.

P.S. Click on the links hidden in here, there aren't many, but it's worth your time.

Last Song played- "The Art of Falling"- Greg Holden
Quote of the day - I think I've put enough quotes in this post... if not, FOLLOW THE LINKS. just saying. If you want to , you know.

*clogging makes it sound bad, the music that comes from Greg could never be something bad, I just can't think of a better word.
** WHAT?! It's March already, but but, it just became 2011?!
***And also makes me a little angry/annoyed.
****OK! He pasted the drug test, "no I'm not on drugs! I'm on a drug, it's called Charlie Sheen" -Charlie Sheen.
*****Even if he thinks he's #WINNING #Twitterjokes #I'mNOTonCharlieSheen

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