Friday, April 8, 2011

April the eighth!

BBLERRRGG. So guess what? I'm ill again. GERRR. I really need to stop getting sick. ITS DOWNRIGHT ANNOYING. I've spent pretty much the entire time since I got home from school in bed. But you know what else I got reminded of today? I love Pandora Radio. I discovered it over Christmas break and spent a good deal of time listening to it, but got busy and kinda forgot about it. So a lot of today was spent listening to it. Music. I love music.

Speaking of things I love... HERES ANOTHER VIDEO!*

AND its FRIDAY**! Which means WEEKEND!

OK. I'm going back to being a vegetable now. Tomorrow, if I am still ill, I will post a story, or a poem. maybe. or something.

*because I am feeling to lazy and blaaa to blog much today.
**fiday, got to get down on friday. nonononostopitbrainaaahhhh

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