Sunday, April 3, 2011

April the third. because I suck at coming up with titles

So, I lied. When I said I'd have something more interesting to blog about today. I didn't lie when I said it, I was so hoping I would have something to blog about. but um. HI there. I didn't do much of anything today either. Being sick kinda drain the motivation to do anything outta ya. But tomorrow, Ive decided I'm going to school, weather I'm still sick or not. I can't stay in this bed any longer! Also I kinda miss my irl friends, even though being my my computer for whole days at a time has helped me make some new ones. I like making new friends. I think the internet is brilliant. Like, today, I started this conversation in the comment section of one of Jake Jarvis (pineappleboyproductions) videos, about the song Mr. Blue Sky by ELO* and made an awesome new youtube friend. ISN'T THE INTERNET BEAUTIFUL?

So, in my repeat listening to songs from 'Once More with Feeling'I have decided that James Marsters (Spike from Buffy, John Hart from Torchwood, lead singer of Ghost of the robot, solo artist, ect) would make a good Roger from RENT! I love Adam Pascal, he he is that character in my eyes, but I think Spike gives off a similar vibe and would do a great job. I mean, 'Rest in Peace' even sounds like some of the music from RENT! I could seriously write about this quite a long time. BRAIN IN GAHH MODE. PLEASE HIT RESET BUTTON.

BUT I won't, because you don't need to read a whole bunch about Spike and Roger and, oh man, have I mentioned that I like musicals lately, because I like, Love them. Seriously, I wish some dancing demon would come and turn my life into a musical.**
I WANT TO SING AND DANCE SPONTANEOUSLY. This is one of the times I wish really life was more like the movies and TV.

last song played: Rest in Peace

*a great song. I love it, it makes me happy.
** The musical episode of Buffy "once more with feeling" was caused by a dancing demon.

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