Friday, April 1, 2011


IITTSS APRIL! And you know that that means. BEDA!! are you ready for the crazy amount of me blogging every day for an entire month?! Because I sure know I am. or, I think I am. WHOOO. My words seem very energetic today. I think its because my words are very energetic today. YOU KNOW WHY? YOU KNOW WHY? Because I've been sick and laying in bed all week sleeping. I went to the doctor today, and he gave me antibiotics, so hopefully I will get better now. I WANTZ TO GET BETTER NOWZ!! I've been hold up in my bed to long. So instead I'm being energetic through WORDS! On the INTERNETS!!

I edited the first video from my east coast trip finally. Its rendering. WHOOO.*

One (good?) thing about being sick for a week is Buffy Marathon. thats right, I'm now on season 6 of Buffy. Spike = brilliant and hilarious.

Now that its April, I have so much important stressy stuff done. Its time to relax, be creative, keep/get my grades up, and make it to graduation. ITS ALMOST HERE!

I was going to do VEDA as well, but that kinda failed last year, so I'm just gonna stick with this.

OK. I'm going to watch more Buffy now. ICANSTOPWHENEVERIWANTITSNOTINCONTOLOFME. I just don't want to stop right now.

quote: "I went on the internet once, people spell things wrong, it made me nauseous." Tera, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
*it should be up on my youtubes tonight!

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