Saturday, April 23, 2011

April the Twenty Eighth!

HEY!, Look at that! I'm actually blogging when its light out. I wonder what could have brought that about. #DOCTORWHODOCTOWWHODOCTORWHO

So Doctor who is on later tonight. In case you haven't heard.* And In about half an hour I'm heading over to a friends house to watch the series premiere. So today, I made some Dalek shaped rice crispy treats. They look awesome. My mom came in while I was making them and said 'Oh, those are cute!' "MOM!" I cried, "Their supposed to be TERRIFYING!" Sob. *Sigh* some people just don't understand.

So the word on the street is that when this episode gets over, I will be yelling "MOFFAAAAAT!" And by street I mean Internet, and by internet I mean twitter and tumbler.

Also, I've decided that if I had a time machine, I would go into the future and get the box set of season 6, so I could just watch it now with out having to wait.

Quote of the day: "Doctor: 'Lets get going, big day tommorrow!' Amy: 'what?' Doctor: 'its always a big day tomorrow, I skip the unimportant ones"

*You must be new here, HI! I'm Grace! Im obsessed with Doctor Who

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