Sunday, April 10, 2011

April the tenth!

SUUUUNNSHIINE!! You know, I love living in California. Which is weird saying because I've spend the better part of the last 2 years trying to find a way to move out of California. But seriously, I really need some sunshine, and I got some. granted, in about a week I'll want the rain and the clouds back, but hey, today was beautiful. After spending so much of the last month or to being ill and stuck indoors, it was great to actually go out into the sunshine. My day started off with a nice run with my dog around my neighborhood. I really enjoy running, and I haven't really done much of any exercise since basketball season ended. So getting out and running with my dog in the warm sunshine felt just amazing. Also, nothing makes you day better then having "Lets Get down to Business" from Mulan come up on your ipods shuffle when you are running. Seriously.

So much has happened today that I can't even remember what all I was going to talk about. Aside from the tons of homework I've been doing (and need to get back to) I had some time to play my guitar, go to softball practice and um, what else did I do today? BRAIN OVERLOAD. Must go back to studying.
Until tomorrow my friends.

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