Sunday, August 29, 2010


Angel > Edward. That is all I have to say.

There isnt any disscussion. Earlier today when I was waching some dishes and thinking about how Angel is probably my favourite charicter in Buffy , except for Giles, I started to list reasons why. Until I realised there was no need becasue he is so awesome and hot when Edward is just not. Also Angel doesnt sparkel. Because he is a real vampire. I am being to like vampires again. Thaks Joss Whedon and Buffy.

Also Joss Whedon > Stephanie Myer.

It kind funny watching shows that are older, Like Buffy, which is based in the lates 90's.Every time she runs of to do something heroic, and her friends find some inportaint peice of information, they have to run after her and find her. its happened several times. I finid myself thinking, "why don't they just call her cell? oh yea, nevermind." One time she even pulled out this huge pager. Did peple acctually cary those around? I am so happy I live in the decade I do.

On another note, you know what class I'm not so into this year? Government. Its kind of boring and annoying. And I have a test tomorrow in it that I need to study for. ICK.
Also Spanish. I don't like Spanish very much.

I am going to go study. andthenwatchmorebuffy.

last song on ipod - "popular" - wicked soundtrack

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