Tuesday, August 24, 2010


SOOOO GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT!!!! OK. I'll tell you. I bought Mockingjay. I know i said I wouldn't be able to buy it tell tomorrow, but i had to go buy a new calculator for my Pre-Cal and Physics classes, so i took the opportunity to sneak to the book section of target and buy it. Its just sitting there, waiting for me to read it. I WANT TO OPEN IT SOOOO BAD! but I have to finish my homework (ha, like that's gonna happen) and blog. so here I am. *deep breath*

In other exciting-ish new for today. I had to get my Senior pictures taken. woo. I've never been a big fan of picture day, but these ones are IMPORTANT. Or so people keep telling me. I don't see why they should be so special. Any ways, the teacher that is 'in charge' of yearbook this year decided to take us all to get our pictures taken three at a time, instead of waiting for everyone to get them at some point in the school year. And this way there all done. And since I got roped into being in yearbook this year (and editor no less)I 'got' to be one of the first three to go. All the girls are supposed to wear some black top or dress. Well I don't have very many black clothes. And I don't have any black dresses. I was assured that there would probably be some prob dress or shall I could wear, so I just wore normal clothes. well me and my friend Hillary who also went today, began to look though the prop clothes to find something for me to wear. The picture guy said they had never had this predicament before. Of course i would be the girl who didn't care enough about clothes. Eventually we found a giant piece of black silk cloth, and Hillary proceeded to pin it ad paper-clip and clothespin it on me. in the picture i actually look like I am wearing a dress, a nice legitimate fancy store bought dress. I have no idea how she did that. But its awesome.

Anyways, I am currently babysitting my boss/teachers baby, which is pretty much the best way to make money ever. The baby sleeps, I do homework and blog, and i make money. but the call of the Mockingjay is to much. I must big you farewell. Adios!

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