Sunday, August 15, 2010

last day of summer break

As the title suggests, today is my last day of summer breck. Thats right, tomorrow, I must force myself out of bed at an ungodly hour, and drag myself to school. I AM a bit excited though because I am a senior this year, soo thats gonna be awesome.

Today amongest all the crazy-and-boring things I did, i made a video. I finaly acctually made a thought-out-ish video. It uploading now. Again. for about the 5th time. It WILL work this time, it WILL. Because if it doesnt. I dont even want to know. I have already wanted to shout REALLY LOUD in symbols several times today. Like this !@#$%^&**$%$%^$*^*&^^$%##@@#$#@#**%$*%^^&$&$^^$^.
*deep breath* that makes me feel a little better.

If it ever finishes uploading, I will link it here. If not, sorry.

I have to get up early. so I must bid you all farwell, and goodnight.

last song played on ipod- dont unplug me by ALL CAPS

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