Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why yes I am wearing my Ravenclaw scarf as I am reading Doctor Who on a Borders floor.

TODAY IS A MARVELOUS DAY. It has been gray and cloudy and rainy. Good old Washington weather. My Aunt who lives in Seattle drove out to see us, and she drove us into town. While everyone else went to the grocery store, I went to Borders. I LOVE BORDERS. The Borders near me isn't very good, but its better than the public library in my town. BUT the borders in Gig Harbor Washington is amazing.

I proceeded to my book store routine. I circle like a bird of prey, looking at the outer ring of books, glance through the new books, then precede to the young adult section, and look for John Green. My rating of book stores is largely based on whether or not they have John Green books. After picking up a copy of Looking for Alaska, which happens to be the only John Green book I did not own before today, I grabbed 13 little blue envelopes by Maureen Johnson, a book I have heard great things about but never read, and as I ADORE fallowing her on twitter I figured I should read it while I have some time.
Then I proceeded to the science fiction section, picked up a DOCTOR WHO book, and plopped myself down to see how far I could get away with reading until my parents showed up. This is my game for book stores. How long will my parents put up with me reading Doctor Who before escorting me out of the building.
I got pretty far today, as well as having the opportunity to give my yes-I-wear-my-ravenclaw-scarf-out-in-public-when-it-is-cold-outside-why-wouldn't-I?-I-feekin'-LOVE-this-thing!-and-yes-this-is-Doctor-who-I-am-reading-sitting-on-the-floor-with-intention-of-leaving-soon look at several people who walked past me with curious looks on their faces. I LOVE being me.

On that note I shall leave you and return to my book reading.

Quote of the day- "Sometimes you lose a battle, but mischief always wins the war."- Alaska Young, Looking for Alaska.
Last song played on ipod- same as yesterday, haven't listened to anything today, to busy reading.

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