Friday, August 6, 2010

uuuuhhhh hi

Hello there! I can't believe I've made it this far into august and haven't missed a day! *boredom is to blame. I'm not even sure what day it is, they've all been running together. Oh, right, its the 6th. Its only the 6th? Time seems to be crawling. Although, today I did stay in bed tell noon. I think I would have stayed there all day if my family would let me. Headache + stomachache = not fun or even remotely exciting day. I think the highlight of my day was John Greens vlogbrothers video. I REALLY want to reread Looking for Alaska now. But alas I don't have a copy with me.

To distract both you and myself from the lazy-apathetic-student-ness that is me today, here is a link to a very funny video. Gosh I love John Greens brain. It blows my mind.

OK bye.

todays quote- "Did you get my text? well you didnt text me BAACK!"- Umbridge -AVPS

last song played on ipod- "the ballad of me and my friends" frank turner

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