Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miniature Giraffes

I have never watched Step Up. Or Step up 2 or what ever number there on now. I never really cared. But today, continuing with the whole I-am-so-bored-out-of-my-mind-thing, I'm siting here waiting for Psych to come on, Ive been watching the first Step Up with my younger sister. I don't really know how I feel about it. But *spoiler alert* I was not expecting someone to die. *end alert* WHEN WILL THIS MOVIE END?! oh, in fifteen minuets. Its funny though, because every time the main girls mom come on screen I get really creeped out and think shes about to kill someone. Why? because its the same actress who played The Grave Digger on Bones. She has a CREEPY STARE. I kept expecting her to bury someone alive.

Last night my parents convinced me and my sister to stay up really late because we were supposed to be able to see the northern lights where we are. We didn't see any. We saw some distant lightening though. Its weird, at home I'm up tell about 1, but here Ive been going to bed at like 10 because there is nothing to do once the sun goes down. I was soo tired.

Hahaha this commercial I just saw had a tiny giraffe in it. I WANT A TINY GIRAFFE!!


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