Monday, August 23, 2010

No one in there right mind would be this excited over books....

I have to say, one of the best things about coming home from a trip, be it a three week vacation or a four day camping trip, is to be able to turn on my computer and see this

David Tennant sitting in a cupboard drinking tea. nuff said. I found it a while ago whilst searching for a new background for my computer. The one of the Doctor I'd had up for forever was ready to be replaced. And this makes me laugh every time I see it.

Today I had a surprisingly great day at school, I'm thinking it might be a result of the fact that I've decided to stop hating everyone and like people again. This is good. AND in my British Lit class, we got our text books, they are NEW, and HUGE and purple, and have a shiny rainbowy awesome picture on the front. I'm kind of in love with it. HaveImentionedIamanerd? Also I pointed out to my friend as I was describing our lovely English books that they say 'British' on the front*, this makes me even happier. She looked at me funny and laughed. I love my friends.

OOMMMMGGG MOCKINGJAY COMES OUT IN LIKE TWO HOURS. I REALLY wish I could go to the midnight release. Stupid school. Alas, I have to wait till WEDNESDAY until I have a chance to go to the bookstore. This is almost unbearable. I WANT IT NOW!

I have a GIGANTIC pile of homework next to me that still needs to be done. Till tomorrow y'all.

last song played on ipod- "Ultimate showdown" Lemon Demon
*After all, It is a BRITISH Literature class, so I should have expected that.

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