Monday, August 30, 2010

Scary Future is Scary

I am so exhausted. one day back at school and I am beat. But I can sleep when I'm dead. For now I'll just keep on going.
I am still very excited for this year, and where it will take me. Right now the future is looking scary and more ominously-close than it ever has, but if I can get through this year, I can get through anything. I have been doing a lot of getting ready for applying for universities, but for the most part have been to nervous and scared to apply.That probably isn't very good. And today I found out some guys is coming on Wednesday from a near-by collage to convince us to go there. But I am being to work on some of those thanks to the pushing of my older sister-who-is-a-high-school-teacher. She never lets me off easy on anything. Which is good, I guess.
Which is why, as soon as I have finished this blog I am going to look up some more of the Universities she want me to look at, and their application process. Yikes. Did I mention that I'm going to do that instead of my Anatomy and Physiology homework? Its probably better to leave that unsaid.

I have just three episodes left of the first season of Buffy. It hurts me that I can't watch anymore tonight because I HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE. ick.

I just saw my English book sitting next to me. Have I told you how much I love my English book? I think its fantastic.

Ok. Enough stalling. I have to go be responsible now.

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