Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Scary Seniors

Its very weird, walking through school and knowing that your one of those big-scary-seniors. My freshman year I sat next to a senior in assembly, and I was always really nevus and scared because he was really BIG. and OLD. and just so TALL. I cant help remembering that I would always think, Ohmygoodness, I wonder if he is thinking how much it sucks to have to sit next to this nerdy little freshman. Well, this year, I am seated between two freshman in assembly. As I sat down in my seat the last two days, I couldn't help but wonder, What are they thinking? Are they thinking I am a BIG INTIMIDATING SENIOR. Are they scared of me? As I was of Nick? See even though I new his name, because at my school, you know everyone, He was still scary. This year is the first year that their are a large group of kids whose name I don't know. I know that will change soon, but right now I only know a few of the freshman, and I only know a few more of their names. I do however know the names of the to freshman I sit by. I wonder if they know my name. I wonder if they even care.
I know that although I am not a VERY popular person, I am well known and pretty well liked. (I hope/think). But there is always a part of me that worried that no one really likes me or has any interest in listening to me. That is difficult and trouble some to think about because, I am the student associations spiritual vice president, which means that I have to get up once a week and give a motivational talk to the school in Assembly once a week. This maybe makes me think that maybe(hopefully) everybody will at least know who I am. and there might even be people who I don't even know, who know me. Which being as I have blog readers and YouTube subscribers and daily booth followers that I don't know, who in a way kind of know me, in a way that I know the people I follow don't know me, shouldn't be very daunting. But it is, because I remember how I knew seniors when i was a freshman, who didn't know me, or only new me a little, and I wonder what they thought of me, and if it is what I Will think of all these new kids.

Wow. that paragraph/outburst of thought ended up being way longer that I thought it would be. I hope it made at least a little sense.

Today I was given this teeshirt by a really awesome person who knows me very well.

I really love it. a lot. Its a delorian crashing into a TARDIS. How can I NOT love it?

Today I have some sad news for you. At least its sad for me. I will be taking a 4 day hiatus from BEDA, because I will be on a class camping trip to Yosemite. We are leaving tomorrow, and will return on Sunday. I will try to blog tomorrow before we leave, and will defiantly be blogging on Sunday. But the chances of me being able to blog in between are very rare. HOWEVER I am considering doing 4 extra days at the end of the month to make of for the 4 days I will be missing.

Now I need to get back to packing because it is 11:40 at night and Im only half done. YIKES.

quote of the day- "The past is a foreign county, they do things differently there" from a podster on my history/government teachers wall.

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