Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I enter only need one thing, as I’m sure many do, but I am swept up with the crowd. The people, they are everywhere, coming from all directions. This place is a mad house. I yearn for the reason why I came. The blinding lights entice us drawing us in. The shiny and the soft. We do not really need them. Many live without them, but the lights and signs, they tell us, we need them to survive. Just a few short moments ago, or was it longer? When I first walked this hall, my wrists and neck were bare, my shoes all tattered and torn. I never where much make up, I’ve never really cared. I see them all around me, the people who rush about. They believe the signs and the flickering lights, and the lies they strive to tell. You need this hat, this bag, this song. We need them to really LIVE. The wallet in my bag grows light as my hands begin to fill. I know I will regret it later, but still I battle on. If only I could find an exit, a way for me to escape. But the door all lead only farther in. There is but one way out.


So um. yea. I went to the mall today. The only thing I bought were new sneakers though. I'm not one for shopping. Never have been. But I can up with the idea for a short about the mall. so there it is. Hope you like it. I might start posting more thought out written stuff on here, besides just the normal whatever-it-is-I-do-Here.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Computers sometimes bug me

I love my computer. I am very easily lost without it. When I'm far away, or it is not working I go through withdrawals and get cranky. Unfortunately, my computer oftend decided it wants to stress me out and not work.
Today I was very excited to have filmed a video that I put a lot of work into, and was excited to edit and share. But my computer decided to get a really bad virus and go bfhskjdghuighd instead. For about 2 hours now, my father has been sitting at my computer working on it. I've been laying here sitting upon my oddly tall bed, unable to read my wonderful books on the shelf next to me, worried with the anxiety that my computer might blow up. I gave up trying to do anything else so I've pulled out my phone to talk to you. My dad finally seems to be making head way, at least my computer has stopped making weird noises and he's got the spywere antivirus program back up and running it looks like. Fingers crossed it works this time.

In some happier news, Doctor Who is on in 2 and a half days! Woooooo! Also Christmas. Christmas is exciting to.
This day is fastly drawing to an end, and I am relishing the joy that I have converted and got to new people hooked on Doctor Who in the past two day. That makes me feel pretty awesome.

I'll talk to y'all later.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Deathly Hallows

Hey there guys. whats up? remember that time that I blogged every day? but then the month got over and I ignored you for two and a half months? yea sorry about that. I meant to write I really did.
I've been doing nanowrimo this month which is crazy because I've had just about a total of 2 free hours to write in this month.
Also I am going to assume that you know that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is out in 4 hours. I CANNOT tell you how much I want to be standing on a side walk waiting to be let into a theater right now. But, do to the unfortunate fact that I have school tomorrow, my parents are not letting me go. *makes sad face* I went at midnight for Half Blood Prince, and I WILL be going for Part two. But tonight I am stuck at home with my pre-cal book in my lap and my Ravenclaw scarf wrapped around my neck. and I am not thinking about Harry Potter. I am not thinking about Harry Potter. I am not thinking about Harry Potter. Damn It. I want to go see Harry Potter right now. GIVE ME THE MOVIE.
Alright. I need to actually do my pre-cal homework, and stop stalling. I promise I will not wait two month to blog again.

Last song played on ipod- "twisting" They might be giants

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hey guys. GUYS. Its the last day of august. I grown so used to bloging every day I will be sad not to be. I wanted to be all awesome and wrrite some super epicc post today. But at 11:00, I'm just very tired. I had a late ay getting home , then had homework which I have just finally finished most of. And I am just exausted. I want to sleep.

IN EXCITING NEWS I got that doctor who tee shirt that I ordered from Teefury in the mail today. THIS MAKES ME REALLY HAPPy. I am sooo wearing it to school tomorrow. YES!

It bums me that my last post for BEDA is very blahh. BUt I cant think straight. Must. Have. sleep.

Im going to bed. I hope to be back her soon. I know I wil be.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Scary Future is Scary

I am so exhausted. one day back at school and I am beat. But I can sleep when I'm dead. For now I'll just keep on going.
I am still very excited for this year, and where it will take me. Right now the future is looking scary and more ominously-close than it ever has, but if I can get through this year, I can get through anything. I have been doing a lot of getting ready for applying for universities, but for the most part have been to nervous and scared to apply.That probably isn't very good. And today I found out some guys is coming on Wednesday from a near-by collage to convince us to go there. But I am being to work on some of those thanks to the pushing of my older sister-who-is-a-high-school-teacher. She never lets me off easy on anything. Which is good, I guess.
Which is why, as soon as I have finished this blog I am going to look up some more of the Universities she want me to look at, and their application process. Yikes. Did I mention that I'm going to do that instead of my Anatomy and Physiology homework? Its probably better to leave that unsaid.

I have just three episodes left of the first season of Buffy. It hurts me that I can't watch anymore tonight because I HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE. ick.

I just saw my English book sitting next to me. Have I told you how much I love my English book? I think its fantastic.

Ok. Enough stalling. I have to go be responsible now.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Angel > Edward. That is all I have to say.

There isnt any disscussion. Earlier today when I was waching some dishes and thinking about how Angel is probably my favourite charicter in Buffy , except for Giles, I started to list reasons why. Until I realised there was no need becasue he is so awesome and hot when Edward is just not. Also Angel doesnt sparkel. Because he is a real vampire. I am being to like vampires again. Thaks Joss Whedon and Buffy.

Also Joss Whedon > Stephanie Myer.

It kind funny watching shows that are older, Like Buffy, which is based in the lates 90's.Every time she runs of to do something heroic, and her friends find some inportaint peice of information, they have to run after her and find her. its happened several times. I finid myself thinking, "why don't they just call her cell? oh yea, nevermind." One time she even pulled out this huge pager. Did peple acctually cary those around? I am so happy I live in the decade I do.

On another note, you know what class I'm not so into this year? Government. Its kind of boring and annoying. And I have a test tomorrow in it that I need to study for. ICK.
Also Spanish. I don't like Spanish very much.

I am going to go study. andthenwatchmorebuffy.

last song on ipod - "popular" - wicked soundtrack

Saturday, August 28, 2010

THREE DAYS. and um. Buffy.

Hello there! I defiantly did not almost for get to blog today. I was just busy doing this. And also watching Buffy. I've been meaning to watch Buffy for years, people keep telling me how much they know I will love it. I just haven't had much time to watch it though. But today I decided to start watching any way. In two episode in, and I can tell I'm not going to get much of anything done until I finish. That probably isn't so good. Also, seeing Agent Booth when he is young and even hotter is awesome. I hope he is in this show a lot...

guys. GUYS. I just looked at the calender. There are only THREE MORE DAYS IN AUGUST!I have almost made it through. I will defiantly miss blogging everyday. I think I'll try to blog more often than I usually do after this month.

I have tea. Tea is delicious.

So I know the last three days have been pretty sad and dismal in my life, but the best part about that is when your not sad anymore you get REALLY HAPPY. Like absurdly happy and hyper.

ok. OK. I am going to go watch more Buffy before I have to sleep. later.

Quote of the day- "I laugh in the face of danger, Then I hide until it goes awsy." -xaver
last song played - "Be my escape"

Friday, August 27, 2010


Hey everybody, so sorry about not posting yesterday. yea. I wasn't feeling to well and spent the majority of the time after I got home from school laying in bed starring at my ceiling. I didn't even do any homework, which after today probably wasn't very smart, but wasn't to bad. I didn't finish Mockingjay yesterday, and it left me in a mixed state of confused emotions and lack of emotions and confusion. For the most part I have just been walking around in a daze since I finished it. But its starting to get a little better, the words and emotions slowly slip away and I'm almost back to normal. AND I AM HERE TODAY!

So anyways I have made it through the first two weeks of school! and it is finally the weekend so I can get some sleep whoo.

So I just paused to go through some trash away outside, and (keep in mind it is late and DARK outside) I hear someone say "HEY" and jump. then laughter. Upon looking closer I noticed my younger sister crouched by a plant near the trash cans in my back yard. Huh? I looked closer and saw she was on the phone talking to someone, and laughing at me. She won't tell me who she is talking to while she is hiding in the back yard. Oh well.

Alright, I'm going to bed. GOODNIGHT Y'all!

last song played- "Olive you"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Short and sad

Today has been a not-so-great-day. I think it has been that way for all of nerdfighteria. My day has just seamed long and tiring. I have barely had any time to read mockingjay because of all my school work. The only good and funny story that I can think of to tell you guys about today, I just cant bring myself to tell today, Ill tell you tomorrow. I am not really in the writing mood to be totally honest. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


SOOOO GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT!!!! OK. I'll tell you. I bought Mockingjay. I know i said I wouldn't be able to buy it tell tomorrow, but i had to go buy a new calculator for my Pre-Cal and Physics classes, so i took the opportunity to sneak to the book section of target and buy it. Its just sitting there, waiting for me to read it. I WANT TO OPEN IT SOOOO BAD! but I have to finish my homework (ha, like that's gonna happen) and blog. so here I am. *deep breath*

In other exciting-ish new for today. I had to get my Senior pictures taken. woo. I've never been a big fan of picture day, but these ones are IMPORTANT. Or so people keep telling me. I don't see why they should be so special. Any ways, the teacher that is 'in charge' of yearbook this year decided to take us all to get our pictures taken three at a time, instead of waiting for everyone to get them at some point in the school year. And this way there all done. And since I got roped into being in yearbook this year (and editor no less)I 'got' to be one of the first three to go. All the girls are supposed to wear some black top or dress. Well I don't have very many black clothes. And I don't have any black dresses. I was assured that there would probably be some prob dress or shall I could wear, so I just wore normal clothes. well me and my friend Hillary who also went today, began to look though the prop clothes to find something for me to wear. The picture guy said they had never had this predicament before. Of course i would be the girl who didn't care enough about clothes. Eventually we found a giant piece of black silk cloth, and Hillary proceeded to pin it ad paper-clip and clothespin it on me. in the picture i actually look like I am wearing a dress, a nice legitimate fancy store bought dress. I have no idea how she did that. But its awesome.

Anyways, I am currently babysitting my boss/teachers baby, which is pretty much the best way to make money ever. The baby sleeps, I do homework and blog, and i make money. but the call of the Mockingjay is to much. I must big you farewell. Adios!

Monday, August 23, 2010

No one in there right mind would be this excited over books....

I have to say, one of the best things about coming home from a trip, be it a three week vacation or a four day camping trip, is to be able to turn on my computer and see this

David Tennant sitting in a cupboard drinking tea. nuff said. I found it a while ago whilst searching for a new background for my computer. The one of the Doctor I'd had up for forever was ready to be replaced. And this makes me laugh every time I see it.

Today I had a surprisingly great day at school, I'm thinking it might be a result of the fact that I've decided to stop hating everyone and like people again. This is good. AND in my British Lit class, we got our text books, they are NEW, and HUGE and purple, and have a shiny rainbowy awesome picture on the front. I'm kind of in love with it. HaveImentionedIamanerd? Also I pointed out to my friend as I was describing our lovely English books that they say 'British' on the front*, this makes me even happier. She looked at me funny and laughed. I love my friends.

OOMMMMGGG MOCKINGJAY COMES OUT IN LIKE TWO HOURS. I REALLY wish I could go to the midnight release. Stupid school. Alas, I have to wait till WEDNESDAY until I have a chance to go to the bookstore. This is almost unbearable. I WANT IT NOW!

I have a GIGANTIC pile of homework next to me that still needs to be done. Till tomorrow y'all.

last song played on ipod- "Ultimate showdown" Lemon Demon
*After all, It is a BRITISH Literature class, so I should have expected that.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hiking Half Dome

One thing I can honestly say is that at any point in my life before this week, I would have called you crazy if you said I would not absolutely hate my class. Ever since about 7 years ago when I moved to the school I am at now, I have been looking forward to the day when I would graduate and be able to leave. And now one week into my senior year, I can honestly say that I love my class and I will miss them. I think.

As you should know, I have spent the last four and a half days in Yosemite national Park with my class. It really opened my eyes to how much all those rowdy obnoxious kids have matured. They still aren't perfect, but then neither am I. But I think there are things I over looked about them in previous year,and I am excited to see how this year turns out.

On the Friday, while we were at Yosemite, we had the, to put it the nicest way, opportunity to hike Half Dome. This is Half Dome, for those who don't know

It is an 18-mile hike, up and down hills, it took about 12 hours. 12 long, strenuous and VERY tiring hours. We all kind of went at our own pace so we were spread out along the trail at different points. On the way up I was with two of the guys from my class and we kept a good steady pace that was good for us, and stayed as a group instead of leaving someone behind when they were tired. The two of them encouraging me is probably what got me up those last two miles and the cables because I was dead tired. But after a 2 hour rest and some lunch sitting on top the the mountain we had concord, a big group decided all head down at together. An interesting fact, we actually got all but one of the students from my class that started the hike up to the top. That's some major achievement yo. Anyways, about 10 of us started down at the same time, but before long, My history teacher, my self, and a friend of mine had left everyone else far behind. We ran into a group of three really nice British people also heading down the trail, and you can probably guess what happened. I started talking to them. DUH. And while I was busy having an awesome conversation, my teacher and my friend slowly got farther and farther ahead. By the time we reached the fork where the trail split, an I turned away from my new British friends, they were long gone. My teacher had given us all maps, told us what trails to take, and the name of the town were the cars were parked. Simple. I had 2.5 miles to go until I reached the end. NO PROBLEM i though. I'll do that in no time. and talking to some people coming up the trail, I knew that I was only about 10 minuets behind. So I made my way down the steep rock steps and along the trail, but soon it became apartment i would not catch up. I began to get tired, I wanted to rest, but when I would stop, I knew that I needed to get up and keep going. I had to take a few more steps. I had to get back.

There were a few different trails to get back, and as it turned out I took the one that people from my class didn't take. So the people behind me never caught up. I spent 2 hours walking by myself through the forest, hardly ever seeing another person. I spent a lot of time talking to my camera that day. So I will have a video up soon. I learned lot that day, about my limits, about friendship, about true loneliness, and about the importance of team work. Something changed inside me in those two hours by myself, when my body was so tired and all my energy was spent. I'm not sure what it was, or if it good or bad, but I feel different. Not a lot different, but different. I hope this feeling sticks around, and grows into something beautiful.

Now I am going to nurse my blister and sore muscles, and head to bed (an actual bed YAY!)and get some sleep so I can get up for school tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Scary Seniors

Its very weird, walking through school and knowing that your one of those big-scary-seniors. My freshman year I sat next to a senior in assembly, and I was always really nevus and scared because he was really BIG. and OLD. and just so TALL. I cant help remembering that I would always think, Ohmygoodness, I wonder if he is thinking how much it sucks to have to sit next to this nerdy little freshman. Well, this year, I am seated between two freshman in assembly. As I sat down in my seat the last two days, I couldn't help but wonder, What are they thinking? Are they thinking I am a BIG INTIMIDATING SENIOR. Are they scared of me? As I was of Nick? See even though I new his name, because at my school, you know everyone, He was still scary. This year is the first year that their are a large group of kids whose name I don't know. I know that will change soon, but right now I only know a few of the freshman, and I only know a few more of their names. I do however know the names of the to freshman I sit by. I wonder if they know my name. I wonder if they even care.
I know that although I am not a VERY popular person, I am well known and pretty well liked. (I hope/think). But there is always a part of me that worried that no one really likes me or has any interest in listening to me. That is difficult and trouble some to think about because, I am the student associations spiritual vice president, which means that I have to get up once a week and give a motivational talk to the school in Assembly once a week. This maybe makes me think that maybe(hopefully) everybody will at least know who I am. and there might even be people who I don't even know, who know me. Which being as I have blog readers and YouTube subscribers and daily booth followers that I don't know, who in a way kind of know me, in a way that I know the people I follow don't know me, shouldn't be very daunting. But it is, because I remember how I knew seniors when i was a freshman, who didn't know me, or only new me a little, and I wonder what they thought of me, and if it is what I Will think of all these new kids.

Wow. that paragraph/outburst of thought ended up being way longer that I thought it would be. I hope it made at least a little sense.

Today I was given this teeshirt by a really awesome person who knows me very well.

I really love it. a lot. Its a delorian crashing into a TARDIS. How can I NOT love it?

Today I have some sad news for you. At least its sad for me. I will be taking a 4 day hiatus from BEDA, because I will be on a class camping trip to Yosemite. We are leaving tomorrow, and will return on Sunday. I will try to blog tomorrow before we leave, and will defiantly be blogging on Sunday. But the chances of me being able to blog in between are very rare. HOWEVER I am considering doing 4 extra days at the end of the month to make of for the 4 days I will be missing.

Now I need to get back to packing because it is 11:40 at night and Im only half done. YIKES.

quote of the day- "The past is a foreign county, they do things differently there" from a podster on my history/government teachers wall.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Excaped Zebra. Yeah thats right.

Why hello there. I made it through my first day back at school alive. Though, I discovered in my attempt to do my pre-calculus assignment, that I did nothing but let my brain and smarts drain out of my ears. I had almost no recollection of how to do several of the easy-review problems. That's REALLY weird for me. I'm a nerd. I've always been very good at math. I hope this gets better and comes back.

The most joyous thing though, is that they re-shortened the classes. Last year they decided to lengthened all of our class periods by 5 minuets, which doesn't seem like much on its own, but added up it added over an hour to our school day, and made the classes just to long and unbearable. Now they have taken that back, and made my day a little more relaxed and better organised. because with all the stuff I do at my school, very often last year I needed to be in more than one place at one time. That made things very stressful. BUT now they shouldn't be as-stressful. YAY.

So I walked into the living room of my house a few minuets ago to have my parents sign a form for school, and on the news they were talking about an escaped ZEBRA. That was just running down the street in a town nearby, and evidently tried to take food from a car. I really just couldn't stop laughing. I mean, it was a ZEBRA, just walking around a city like that's what its supposed to be doing. Zebras are just awesome.

Also I am REALLY looking forward to my English class this year. I think it will be my favourite. WE GET TO READ SHAKESPEARE. <3

Alright. WE SHOULD GO TO SLEEP. IT IS LATE. goodnight.

last song played on ipod- no ipod today, cuz skool is srs bisnis.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

last day of summer break

As the title suggests, today is my last day of summer breck. Thats right, tomorrow, I must force myself out of bed at an ungodly hour, and drag myself to school. I AM a bit excited though because I am a senior this year, soo thats gonna be awesome.

Today amongest all the crazy-and-boring things I did, i made a video. I finaly acctually made a thought-out-ish video. It uploading now. Again. for about the 5th time. It WILL work this time, it WILL. Because if it doesnt. I dont even want to know. I have already wanted to shout REALLY LOUD in symbols several times today. Like this !@#$%^&**$%$%^$*^*&^^$%##@@#$#@#**%$*%^^&$&$^^$^.
*deep breath* that makes me feel a little better.

If it ever finishes uploading, I will link it here. If not, sorry.

I have to get up early. so I must bid you all farwell, and goodnight.

last song played on ipod- dont unplug me by ALL CAPS

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Maureen Johnson will INVADE YOUR MIND.

Ah, I have enjoyed my day back home. Even though it mostly consisted of unpacking and cleaning my room. BUT that's alright because I had the soundtrack to A Very Potter Sequel playing. hmmm. Darren Criss's voice makes me happy. hmmhmcoughcoughhhmmhm. fangirl.

I also spent a large amount of time getting caught up in The Guild. Which is a good use of time by my book.

ANYWAYS. Two things I was going to mention yesterday but to to lack of time, was not able to. 1. We ate lunch at The Pita Pit. Which is this fantastic restaurant, that is similar to subway, but they make pita rolls/things. It was so good, and was really healthy to which is always a plus. Unfortunately I also found out that the nearest one to my house is at least an hour away. This makes me sad.

2. We stopped at all-you-can-eat buffet, to see my older sister and eat dinner. I was brought to realise my hatred for all-you-can-eat buffets. As someone who is terrible at making decisions and deciding what I want to eat, there are just WAY to many choices. secondly, I eat fast, so everyone else is still eating when I am done. This makes me want to eat more, which is not good. Also, I think they may have a direct connection to Americas levels of obesity. I find this to be not very good at all. I wish my country was more heath conscious.

moving on. I am very excited to be fulfilling my BEDA. I've made it all the way to the fourteenth without missing a day. I was a little worried about it after how VEDA went down in April. Lets just NEVER talk about that again OK? OK.

I think Maureen Johnson had been impacting the way I think. I'm not sure if this is good or bad yet.

Quote of the day- "If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane" Looking for Alaska.

last song played on ipod- "Word Dissociation" Lemon Demon

Friday, August 13, 2010


Its so nice to be home, to be able to type this on my own keyboard, to know that I will fall asleep in my bed. I have literally just gotten home. About 10 minuets ago, but then I had to unload the car (at 11:00 at night I might add). But now I am here. YAY.

You know what makes me made? when I am gone for three wqeekes and when I get back home, my copmputer decides it doesnt want to work, and shuts down RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF ME BLOGGING!! GERRR> The lovely half-hour I had to leisurely write the nice interesting blog post that I had been thinking and planning all day has now been cut to 10 minuets. This does not make me happy.

I spent almost the entire time from about 2:00 till 11 listening to my ipod, and playing sudoku on my phone, except for the oh 3 and a half hours I spent on youtube listening to radio interviews and watching TV interviews with David tennant and Catherine Tate. I love those too. After all that, when we stopped for dinner I had to borrow my mums laptop to buy this shirt. I just HAD to.

All right. I literally have ONE MINUET to post this. K night bi.

last song played on ipod- "let it be" the Beatles

Thursday, August 12, 2010

nothing really.

Hello there folks how are you today? I am now in southern Oregon, spending the day with my mothers parents. I am SOO EXCITED to be home tomorrow.

I want to be home so I can reread The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. THERE ARE 12 MRE DAYS TILL MOCKING JAY COMES OUT. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I am so stoked. WOOO. hehe, I get so excited about books.

ALSO. I am starting my senior year of high school in threeish days. YIKES! but also YAY! Because I've been on vacation I haven't done any school shopping, so i get to do that all this weekend. That should be fun. ha.

Ok, i was just told we're going into town and I must get off the computer. SEEYA TOMORROW!

quote of the day- "can you park the TARDIS on a meter?" red nose day skit with cathrine tate and david tennat
last song on ipod- "vital signs' frank turner

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

traveling and magical internet

Look! I made it! I bet you didn't think I would. Well I did. I'm not missing today, I have 15 more minuets. As a matter of fact I'm writing this as we drive down the road. Its miraculous having internet on the highway somewhere in the middle of Oregon. But I do, thanks to the little silver box sitting next to the computer. Gosh I love technology. Its marvelous. Absolutely marvelous.

Anywaay, I have been traveling all day today, taking the first leg of our trip home. Boy will I be glad when we reach home on Friday, and I can sleep in my own bed!! I'm normally totally ok with sleeping in different places, but I've spent two and a half weeks sleeping in a trailer with my sister. I need my space back. Gaaah.

Alright I now have five minuets to get this posted, so I'll end this here and wish you all a goooood night!

Quote of the day - 'im late, in late, for a very important date.' Alice in wonderland. Duh.

Last song played on ipod- "bar on a" by greg holden. Ok fine, it wasn't on my ipod it was on youtube, but I'm still singing it and my ipod is dead, so you get it. Deal with it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wait, what?

hey y'all. I'm here early today, on account of how my parents when into town with my sister, and left me here with the laptop. I don't know what they were thinking. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I've spent the last 3 hours just catching up in my YouTube addiction. I lasted a whole wee with very little YouTube. But we are leaving tomorrow, and soon I will be back to the comforts of my own computer and some editing software! WOOO! I say WOOO! a lot don't I? I should probably stop saying WHOOO! or not. WHOOO!

AAANNYYWHO, I have spent the morning just drugging out my brain with the INTERWEB. and I remember why I don't like to be without it. Also inspired by two new chameleon circuit songs, I was going to write a Trock song, but I got distracted by the Internet. maybe on a day when I don't have such a need to fill my intertubes withdraws.

I just had some really good melon. It was similar to cantaloupe, but it wasn't cantaloupe. it was yummy though. I'm just sitting here chilling watching my grandmother and this really nice English lady who comes over to see my grandma every once in a while, put together a puzzle.

Are you really still reading this? I'm wonder how long I can keep rambling until I force myself to stop and go work on SOMETHING for a video. gosh I'm so bored.
I like having the ear buds in my ear even when I'm not listening to my ipod. I don't know why, it just feels right. AND it looks awesome. cant disagree with that canya? Oh, you can? darn, just keep it to yourself then please, I'd rather not here it.

I think I'm gonna go pick blueberries, then take my dogs for a walk, and come up with video ideas. hmmm. Kittens.

quote of the day- "bingle bongle dingle dangle yikity doo yikity dah ping pong lippy tappy to tah..." the Doctor, Doctor Who, Human Nature
last song played on ipod- I haven't listened to my ipod, but I was just listening to "the big bang 2" by Charlie /Chameleon Circuit

Haha they spell check on this blog post is so colorful. Hurrah for nonexistent words

Monday, August 9, 2010

I love Seattle

Despite my promises for a nice long blog post today, I have 5 minuets to use my mum computer before she takes it back, SO I went to Seattle today to visit by Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin. After some visiting we went to the market and walked around a bit, went to see the Fremont troll and took some great pictures. AND we drove past some of the universities I've been look at, which is nice.

Then when we got back to my aunts house, my uncle mad HOME MADE PIZZA, which he started the dough for yesterday. It was Delicious. If you ever get the chance to eat pizza made by my uncle DO IT!! By then it was starting to get late so we left and drove back to where we're staying in Tacoma. All in all a had a great day, but now my mom is starting to give me this look that says, "OI! your five minuets are almost up!"
So with that I must bide you adue until tomorrow!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blue envelopes and blue berries

Hey there, I must confess that nothing really exciting today, due to the fact that I spent the entire day duing nothing but reading 13 little blue envelopes. well untill by parents gagned up on me and stole my book. So I went for a walk and picked some blueberries, I ate them so fast I didnt even need a bowl.
Alright, Wild Child (a movie) is comming on tv, and it takes place in England, and in my poinion anything British is worth watching.
Sorry about the short entree, but were heading into Seattle tomorrow, so I should have lots to write about.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why yes I am wearing my Ravenclaw scarf as I am reading Doctor Who on a Borders floor.

TODAY IS A MARVELOUS DAY. It has been gray and cloudy and rainy. Good old Washington weather. My Aunt who lives in Seattle drove out to see us, and she drove us into town. While everyone else went to the grocery store, I went to Borders. I LOVE BORDERS. The Borders near me isn't very good, but its better than the public library in my town. BUT the borders in Gig Harbor Washington is amazing.

I proceeded to my book store routine. I circle like a bird of prey, looking at the outer ring of books, glance through the new books, then precede to the young adult section, and look for John Green. My rating of book stores is largely based on whether or not they have John Green books. After picking up a copy of Looking for Alaska, which happens to be the only John Green book I did not own before today, I grabbed 13 little blue envelopes by Maureen Johnson, a book I have heard great things about but never read, and as I ADORE fallowing her on twitter I figured I should read it while I have some time.
Then I proceeded to the science fiction section, picked up a DOCTOR WHO book, and plopped myself down to see how far I could get away with reading until my parents showed up. This is my game for book stores. How long will my parents put up with me reading Doctor Who before escorting me out of the building.
I got pretty far today, as well as having the opportunity to give my yes-I-wear-my-ravenclaw-scarf-out-in-public-when-it-is-cold-outside-why-wouldn't-I?-I-feekin'-LOVE-this-thing!-and-yes-this-is-Doctor-who-I-am-reading-sitting-on-the-floor-with-intention-of-leaving-soon look at several people who walked past me with curious looks on their faces. I LOVE being me.

On that note I shall leave you and return to my book reading.

Quote of the day- "Sometimes you lose a battle, but mischief always wins the war."- Alaska Young, Looking for Alaska.
Last song played on ipod- same as yesterday, haven't listened to anything today, to busy reading.

Friday, August 6, 2010

uuuuhhhh hi

Hello there! I can't believe I've made it this far into august and haven't missed a day! *boredom is to blame. I'm not even sure what day it is, they've all been running together. Oh, right, its the 6th. Its only the 6th? Time seems to be crawling. Although, today I did stay in bed tell noon. I think I would have stayed there all day if my family would let me. Headache + stomachache = not fun or even remotely exciting day. I think the highlight of my day was John Greens vlogbrothers video. I REALLY want to reread Looking for Alaska now. But alas I don't have a copy with me.

To distract both you and myself from the lazy-apathetic-student-ness that is me today, here is a link to a very funny video. Gosh I love John Greens brain. It blows my mind.

OK bye.

todays quote- "Did you get my text? well you didnt text me BAACK!"- Umbridge -AVPS

last song played on ipod- "the ballad of me and my friends" frank turner

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Harry Potter and Patsy Cline

So today, I got to see my Adorable little 3 -year-old nephew. I haven't seen him since last Year, and did I Mention how cute he Is? Seriously, he is like Toddler model cute. He could be Famous. He's gonna have all the girls when he Grows up.

Also I got super excited because I found this, and I've been listening to the soundtracks from A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. Life is Grand when You have that KIND of AWESOMENESS. And I realised, Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out in Like THREE MONTHS. YEEEEAAAH! *happy dance* Harry Potter fangirl. I'm soo excited.

IS THIS NOT THE MOST AWESOME AND CRAZY THING YOU HAVE SEEN ALL DAY? I know it is for ME. I FOUND this picture, and I just couldn't NOT share it.

njsiovjrnvirufhrghhHjhwohfvoernhkehrIOFRHGOIEHRGOhohoehgrehhOHOERFOifwofghIfoiehfwhioewhfhhsefh, HOIHDEUNNJUEjnrgveirbviriuUHDFHNGijhnJIJSjJHOUIHjkhuiophUhiuhGyu7uigYUiugYgfpikjgIY7hjnuifreonr jfieoufjfjhihi iefhafpoiwhfih hii iewwwfewfjjkbfl. lksfowfhufkwfbuiefh furgf3wgfndoiwfjfoifujwnfiuff. <-this is what happens when I am left alone in a bare empty room for to long. YOU go Crazy.(I even just almost starting writing the lyrics for that patsy Cline song "Crazy" when I wrote crazy, like a line ago.) I need a life. I um mean, I uhh have a life. I HAVE FRIENDS. Why must you look at me like I'm crazy?! oh no, here comes that pasty Cline again. RUN INTERWEBIES RUN!

WAIT COME BACK! I didnt want to scare you away. I need you intertubes. What would I do withOut you? DIE.

I feel the letter barf coming again. I think I need to go to bed. GOOD NIGHT INTERNET. hehe I almost said goodnight twitter. #maureenjohnsonisgettingtome. ahhh.

Quote of the day- "how does it feel ron? how does it feel to have correspondance with the people who brought you into the world?' -Harry -potterpuppetpals "rons parents.

last song played on ipod - "mr. Blue Sky" By E.L.O.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miniature Giraffes

I have never watched Step Up. Or Step up 2 or what ever number there on now. I never really cared. But today, continuing with the whole I-am-so-bored-out-of-my-mind-thing, I'm siting here waiting for Psych to come on, Ive been watching the first Step Up with my younger sister. I don't really know how I feel about it. But *spoiler alert* I was not expecting someone to die. *end alert* WHEN WILL THIS MOVIE END?! oh, in fifteen minuets. Its funny though, because every time the main girls mom come on screen I get really creeped out and think shes about to kill someone. Why? because its the same actress who played The Grave Digger on Bones. She has a CREEPY STARE. I kept expecting her to bury someone alive.

Last night my parents convinced me and my sister to stay up really late because we were supposed to be able to see the northern lights where we are. We didn't see any. We saw some distant lightening though. Its weird, at home I'm up tell about 1, but here Ive been going to bed at like 10 because there is nothing to do once the sun goes down. I was soo tired.

Hahaha this commercial I just saw had a tiny giraffe in it. I WANT A TINY GIRAFFE!!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


HELLLLOOOO! IS ANYBODY OUT THEEEEERREE??!!! I want to scream on the top of my lungs as I stand on this rock and stare out into the sea.* The still quiet fogginess is maddening. I sit and watch as the fog slowly fades to sun. But it makes no difference. I am still alone, surrounded by the emptiness that is left in the absence of the Internet and other humans. This is what it means to be truly bored.

So yea. As you can probably tell I have excruciatingly bored today. My sister does nothing but stay indoor in front of a TV. My parents drove in to town to go to the grocery store. Today I learned what being bored really means.** On the up side, I GOT ICE CREAM. I love ice cream.

Quote of the day - due to the sever bordness of my day, my brain is as empty as a flower pot.

Last song played on ipod- Im not sure of the song because my ipod is not on me*** but one of songs from A Very Starkid Album.

*its actually just Puget Sound but that doesn't sound as poetic

**haha, my aunts cat was pawing to go out the door, so my dad opened the door, and my dog was sitting right outside. that cat ran so fast in the other direction.

***I am waaaayy to lazy to go get it. lazzzzzyness.

Monday, August 2, 2010


LOOK AT THAT! I made to to day 2. You should be proud of me. I know I am.


I LOVE THE UKULELE I BOUGHT YESTERDAY! I've played it ALL DAY today, driving everyone else to the brink of insanity.

ALSO!!! I SEEM TO BE LIKING CAPS A LOT. Its probably because I've been up since 6:30 this morning. What an ungodly hour. Its was nice and quite though. No one else woke up until after 8.

You know, its crazy, because i have limited Internet access, I've actually been going to bed before midnight on this trip. Its crazy.

As I said before, I basically just spend my entire day siting on a porch playing my uke and looking at water. I FREEKIN LOVE SUMMER SO MUCH!

Quote of the day- "Hogwarts has really gone to the dogs, Luckily next year, I'll be transfered to PIGFARTS!" Malfoy, A Very Potter Musical.

last song played on ipod- "Friends and Love" by Nicholas Hooper

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bear with me, its been awhile

Hello there! Long time no write. I've been holding off on the blogging as a When-I-post-another-video-or-do-something-important-I-will-blog kind of inspiration. It didn't work to well. BUT seeing as the summer is almost over, and I haven't done much yet, AND it is now August 1, I may or may not try to do BEDA this month, to kind of get me back in the writing mind.

The biggest problem, being that I am on vacation visiting my Grandmother/aunt/uncle in the beautiful Tacoma, Washington area, is that my computer access is limited. As a matter of fact, I have 'stolen' my mothers laptop as she showers. I'll be here for another week and a half, so lets see how this goes OK?

I actually really love it up here though. From where I sit in the living room of my aunts house, I can look across Puget sound at the beautiful sparkling lights of Tacoma. Ive spent most of my time either walking up and down the beach, or playing the new ukulele I bought yesterday.

And I LOVE getting to see my grandmother. My grandma is 96, and she still lives at home, walks and gardens everyday, and does puzzles. Granted, my aunt and uncle now live with her full time, since my grandpa past away a few years ago.

Anyways the last month has been full of superawesomeexciting things, which i will tell you all about tomorrow, because it is getting late, and my mother is almost done with her shower, so I must finish this off. Until tomorrow friends!

Quote of the day - I cant pick one right now, because there are so many great ones from AVPS.

last song played on ipod- "Not Alone" by Darren Criss. God I love his voice.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I wont sit down, I wont shut up, But most of all I will not grow up!

You know when you have your ipod on shuffle and you get like 5 good songs in a row. Yea, that's awesome. And its kinda how I feel today.

Honestly today was so good I just had to blog about it. Which I've been meaning to do anyway. It actually started yesterday I guess. Wish you might think odd seeing as i had to wake up at 6 a week into my summer vacation to drive an hour to take my SAT, which I had only realised I was taking about three days before. Yeea. Not so great start, but it actually did make me feel better getting it done, not to mention, my dad had driven me there because he didn't want me to drive all that way by myself, and being as I was there four 4 and a half hours, he went to an electronic store, and bought me a new keyboard and mouse for my computer. My one was getting frustrating, it was old and the keys always stuck and made lots of noise. So Ive been itching to try out the new one.

As it was well after lunch time, we decided to stop for lunch before heading home. After minuets of driving trying to find something, I say a Chipotle. I'd never actually been to one. My thoughts went like this- Oooh Chipotle, hmm Ive never been there before, But HayleyGHoover goes there all the time and talks about how good it is. maybe we should try it. Truthfully, they should pay here for the advertising she gets them.

Later in the day, I herd a few bars of a song on YouTube and I liked it. So I looked the artist up. BEST. THING. IVE. DONE. Benn listening to him all day.

This morning, oddly enough, I woke up at 7, an hour before my alarm. As I was fully awake, which surprised me, I got out of bed, turned on the aformetiond music and cleaned my room for about two hours. It really needed it. Then I read for about an hour. Then *gasp* I pulled out my guitar, inspired by my free time, to play for the first time in months. I learned a new song. And even wrote two more of my own. Which always makes me feel good.

I play basketball. I'll just come right out and say it. err, write it. I'm now a senior, and this will be my fourth season of basketball. The conditioning practices for next season began today. I haven't played sense last season ended, but it still went well. I came home, spent some time with my family, washed my car, and watched last comic standing. Being as I dont have a job this summer, I have lots of time. I havent had this much time sense before freshman year. If the rest of the summer goes like this. Its gonna be one awesome summer.

Quote of the day: "I bought this in a muggle shope, muggles wear them' 'Muggle women wear the Artie, not the men they wear these!' 'Im not putting them on I like a healthy breeze!" -Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire

Last song played on itunes- 'Photosynthesis' by Frank Turner

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rain and Roses

It rained today, now, don't get me wrong, I love rain, but its May, and i live in central California, where its supposed to be HOT by now. When I finished my last class I sat in my car for a half an hour waiting for my sister. I sat there in my pocket of warmth and dryness, surrounded by vast wetness, separating me from those I knew. It was kind of nice.

I made 30 bucks today. By baby sitting a sleeping baby. So I was able to study for my finals, which start tomorrow. I really should be studying for them now, but instead I talk to you, oh Internet, and your so-easily-able-to-distract-me-ness.

I was given a rose by one of my favourite people today. My religion teacher/boss/person I was babysitting for/friend. She is awesome. She gave me this very pretty flower for being such an awesome grader. She tells me this practically everyday. Its very good for the building of egos.

Its sitting on my desk in a bottle of water, and even though it is a very pretty rose, it has no smell, and it reminds me that although some times things are beautiful, they often arn't as good on the inside.

just some thoughts for today.

last song played: Myhope by Molly Lewis

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

you kids with your drugs and your beatles

Hello there. I'm not being a very good blogger. I haven't posted in a while. At least I only have 9 days left of school, then ill have lots of time! I hope.

Ive been watching lots of firefly lately. Very fun. The movie was a little disappointing after the series though.

My toilet keeps running. Its very annoying and distracting when I'm trying to think. Gerr.

'You kids with your drugs and your Beatles' someone actually said that to a group of my friends. no lie. It was hillarious.

Quote- "We're not thieves, well, we are thieves, but we're not gonna take your money" -Malcolm Reynolds -Firefly

Last song on itunes: Engines make me hot- by Lauren fairweather

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Attractive Scottish Actors who time-travel

I walked down stairs and entered my kitchen. Momentarily forgetting the reason I'd walked down here, I listened to the TV in the living room, discovering my mother and sister watching Desperate Housewives. That's when I heard it. I knew that voice, but not from that show. I turned and dashed into the room, and sure enough. There sat CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS!! not really, it was JOHN BARROWMAN. On Desperate Housewives. I stood there and stared at his hotness attempting to find out what was going on, because honestly, on that show, I never know. But I might have to start watching it now. or at least the scenes with him in it. I had read online that he might be joining the cast for a while. Guess its true.

Speaking of the whoniverse and thing connected to that, Doctor Who was on yesterday, and that ending scene? HILARIOUS! So naturally after watching it it did this.

Something else I realized today, Scottish actors are extremely attractive. just saying.

Quote of the day:"All those who lead monotonous lives hope that they may experience at second hand the delights and dangers of adventure" - Agatha Christie

Last song played on itunes: Losing my Religion by Anthony Rapp

Friday, April 30, 2010

College, old people, and hot fast food guys

Looking at colleges and trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for it is very stressful. Ive spent the day sense i got home looking at different collages that I will have to be applying to come fall. Yikes! But with all that stressfulness, I think, no, I KNOW, where I WANT to go.

So I had to drop off my younger sister at a friends today, and while I was driving, I noticed something. A lot of old people drive at 7:00 in the afternoon, almost every car I saw had an old person in it. and I'm talking full on white hair cut short and curled old people.

When driving home, I stopped for dinner and bought some dinner for me and my mum, because my dads at work, and A&W had advertised this new Orange soda floats for a limited time, and i had a coupon. It was delicious, and a bad and stressful day is always made better by a very attractive guy taking your order and making your food. ;)

quote of the day: "I have a bad feeling about this" -from every star wars movie.
last song played on itunes: Mr Blue Sky by ELO

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is a completely unrelated Title

It truly is amazing how fast time passes, and how much stuff you can find to do when your supposed to be doing something. Like homework. Its Sunday night, and my homework still lies stacked in the same spot were I layed it down Thursday afternoon. Yea that's right, Thursday. Because when you go to a pathetically small school like I do. Instead of proms, we have banquets. And When your SA plan your spring one on a Friday, durning school, they give you it off! Awesome right? And besides who really does there homework the day they assign it?
Speaking of homework, Today, I ran around my tiny obscure town, with three of my best friends, wearing a Power Rangers wristband, that we pretended was a vortex manipulator, lightsabers, and a sonic screwdriver, filming scenes for a history project. Which I now get the joy of editing, while they go to Disneyland for the band tour. Because guess who's not in band? that's right! me.
On a completely unrelated note, Doctor who was on yesterday. Oh MY GOODNESS. it was amazing. As always. The weeping angels are back, and who doesn't love them? no seriously, who doesn't? because their crazy, and i have only three words for them. Best. Monsters. Ever. Just sayin.
Quote of the day: "oo doctor you sonicd her." -Amy Pond. (dont know why but that scene just keeps playing in my head.
last song played on itunes: Saved by ALL CAPS

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ipad vs books

sister: i would totally read a book if it was on the ipad! its so cool!

REALLY?! i was struck quite speechless when i heard these words uttered from my own sisters mouth. In the ways in which I am a nerd, and a lover of words, especially written on a page a bound between covers, my sister is not. We are very unalike. Being two years older i have tried to influence her to the wonder of words and life as a nerd. but to no avail.

Having our monday off school for some strange reason, not that I'm complaining, I would much rather NOT be at school, my family had decided to go to San Fransisco for the day. After the twoish hour drive, we had exited the freeway, and were driving down Market street, toward the Pier, she said it. We had come to a stop, and right in frount of us on the side of a building there was a humungs advertisment for the ipad. I tried to expain to her that even if it was on an ipad, it was still a book. I dont think she quite understood. She probably thought she wouldnt actually have to read it. She really does amaze my sometimes. Ahh, the ignorance.

For me, the feel of the pages between my fingers, the turning of the page, that adds to the book, makes it more real, more exciting. I have this app on my phone, the one that lets you read books, but its just not the same. The ipad could never really replace books. To those people that think so, do you even read? honestly?

quote of the day: "'what do you read my Lord?' 'words, Words, WORDS'" -Hamlet, act 2, scean 2

Last song played on itunes: Neverending Summer, by Dayplayer.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Escaping Fish

I was going to try and keep this blog thing all organized and neat and only post when i had something thought out and well written. Well guess what? that's not gonna happen.

So today I have a weird amount of free time. I never have free time. Ever. I always have something to do, and I'm sure there is something thing i should be doing but I'm not. I can't really think of it, so i take that as an I don't have to do it. When i got home today, i watched Doctor Who, which of course was amazing. Then i was on YouTube for a while, I'm always on YouTube. But it was just not feeling right. That's weird. I felt like just listening to music and doing something crafty, I haven't had much time for that lately. So i dug around my closet for my erector set. If you don't know, that's one of those kits you can build stuff with and then take it apart, then build something else. But as I was getting it, I stopped, noticing my super-awesome 300 page Harry Potter colouring book. That's what I'll do, i thought, replacing my erector set.

I laid on my bed, my ipod in my ears, armed with crayons, I turned to an uncolored page. Hit play, and everything was good. For a while. But my brain, it just nagged, there must be something else i should be doing. I thought about this blog, or the book I'm writing, or the other book I'm writing, or the fact that I'd told myself I needed to write more poetry. I felt like writing, i just couldn't think of anything to write about. Its as if my brain had just shut off. but just sitting there colouring, it just wasn't relaxing like it normally was. I sifted threw the songs on my ipod. Over a thousand songs, I just cant think of one i want to listen to. OK, that is odd. I love music, allot, I never don't want to listen to it. So I stopped, again, this time trading my stix of colored wax, music, and completely awesome Harry Potter coloring book, for my guitar.

I play a few songs. I need o learn some new ones, But i cant think of one i want to learn right now. Well i can, but there is no chords for it, and i cant play by ear. Darn. I try to write a new song, but again, no words seem to come from my head. No good ones anyway. I know i should be vlogging, over on YouTube, its April, but I feel so apathetic. So lazy. And that's how I got here. I sat here staring at my screen. I don't know how much time has pasted, its all a little crazy. And suddenly, this happened. Its not thought out, its not even done well, but i cant seem to do anything else.

What is it with our generation and our desire to share everything with the entire world? It amazes me sometimes. Oh Internet, how wonderful you are.

Quote of the day: 'May i check your water? we have an escaped fish' -The Doctor

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello world,

i say this because, well, this is for the world.

ive been thinking of starting a blogg for months, but i was a little nervus, and was thinking i needed to have some superspecial awesome first blogg. i am home sick from school, and ive decided that i dont, ill just start now. it doesnt realy matter because noones gonna read this anyway. so there you are. my first blogg. not much, but it eliminates my only remaining excuse for not writting.